Categotry Archives: Updates


Joy in the Journey


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We were driving in the car (again :) ) when my daughter said, “Daddy, when will we be done traveling and traveling and traveling and traveling???” I laughed but honestly, she was voicing something I was already feeling! Unpacking, repacking, driving, and MORE driving can become a weary task. But then, the Lord brought something to my mind. He reminded me of all the people that we’ve met in our travels. We’ve spent time with family; we have visited friends both old and new.  Just last week, I was privileged to meet a young boy with a great zeal to serve the Lord. He was full of questions, and his excitement was refreshing. In the same meeting, I met another missionary friend and we had a great time comparing stories and talking about what God has done!   Yes, the journey is tiring but God gives us joy in the journey. So as I was driving the car, I looked at my daughter and said, “We still have a lot of traveling to do, sweet heart. But have you made friends?” Her eyes lit up and she started rattling off all the names of her new friends.  Sometimes it’s a matter of perspective and God uses our children to remind us to keep the right perspective. :) I am so thankful for the blessings God gives us as we go through this journey. 


Good News from a Far Country


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Proverbs 25:25 “As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.”

As we travel around the USA, it is a blessing to hear from home. This week we received a wonderful report from our co-laborers, three of our teenagers were baptized! Baptism is a BIG step for our people in the Philippines because it is a public testimony that they are Christians. Some face persecution when they take this step of faith so it is not something people do lightly. We praise the Lord for this good news! What an encouragement as we grow weary from our travels and miss home.


Honoring a Life of Service


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Chris and Preacher

Four years have passed since the last time I attended camp meeting at Old Time Baptist Church. Old Time has a special place in my heart; I graduated high school there, went on missions trips with the people, and made many wonderful memories. I thoroughly enjoyed the tent meeting this year but missed someone special. 3 months ago, Preacher, went to be with the Lord. He was greatly missed and honored during the week. I cried as I watched his memorial video and heard him sing, “Tiny Little Hands.”  I had heard him sing it in person on a missions trip in St. Lucia and hearing him sing it again on the video was special. Preacher was a wonderful man of God. He’s the only guy I know who would give you a big hug and a kiss (on both cheeks.) :) I will never forget his love for people! His big heart reminds me of the Lord. Preacher would always reach out to those who were down and out and it remains a challenge to me not to push those people away. I am so thankful for this man’s life and testimony! He is missed by those who love him but what a wonderful testimony to leave behind.


Traveling Again

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Our travels have officially begun!  It has been wonderful to see old friends and tell them what is happening in Cebu. We have been encouraged by God’s people and their hospitality! As the world loses its way and drifts farther from the truth it is good to know that there are still good churches that stand for Christ.  Please pray for us as we continue our journey across the country. Pray for safety as we travel and that we would be a blessing to those we visit! 

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