6 years? Is it really true? :) I don’t feel that much older. But yes, March 29, marked our sixth year serving in the Philippines. Six years ago, our family moved across the world full of plans, goals, and excitement to see God work. And He certainly did! Just not in all the ways we planned. :)  Why? So He could get the glory, and not Chris Baran. Yes, it is good to be prudent and make plans… but don’t be surprised when the Lord moves those plans aside to accomplish His own will.  Right now, I’m in a place I never envisioned but I know God orchestrated. Six years ago, I would never have thought that North Cebu Baptist Church would be nationalized. Six years ago, I would never have thought I would be assisting nationals plant new churches! But here we are and God gets all the glory!  I’m thankful to serve a wonderful Savior Who knows much better than I.