Categotry Archives: Updates


Memorial Day 2011!

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We hope you all had a great Memorial Day! We would like to thank those of you who have served in our military!  My wife and I were able to spend the day at home with our families.  It was a blessing to have my parents come to our house and share their day with us.  With dad and mom being in town we had hoped that Abigail would surprise us but she’s apparently quite comfortable in her current situation.  So instead, we spent the day relaxing and enjoying our loved ones.  In the end we were even able to go fishing.  It was nice to slow down a little and relax.


Celebrating Four Hundred Years~The King James Bible

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God’s preserved Word, the King James Bible, just celebrated its four hundredth year anniversary! Since its existence, many have sought to destroy this precious book.  Despite these attacks the King James Bible remains the best-selling book of all time and has greatly influenced our world!  Our very country was molded by the principles found in the Bible.  Patrick Henry said, “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”   No other translation has made such a great impact on the world!  As the English language has spread, the Bible has followed.  It is responsible for numerous revivals here in the States and abroad.  Cultures have been formed around it and nations have been forever affected.  This is something supernatural, proving again and again that God has used the King James Bible!


Adrian Baptist Church~Adrian, NY

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We traveled to Adrian, NY to be with Pastor Wheeler and Adrian Baptist Church for their Sunday morning service.  Please keep these dear folks in your prayers!   Mrs. Wheeler went home to be with the Lord earlier this year.  We rejoice that she is in heaven but she is greatly missed by Pastor Wheeler, her young children, and the church.  That morning the Lord put II Corinthians 4 on my heart where Paul encourages the church to press on in the ministry God had given them.  The world doesn’t understand how we can go on when trials come but Pastor Wheeler said it best when he quoted the Lord’s words in II Corinthians, “My grace is sufficient for thee:”  I cannot even imagine the loss of a spouse but seeing Pastor Wheeler standing strong in the pulpit made me realize just how true those words are.  God will always be there to give us the grace we need in terrible trials.  We’ll still struggle and perhaps never understand why troubles come but we will always have the comfort of knowing that our God is right there with us.  He will carry us through.  “And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.  Most gladly therefore will I glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” II Corinthians 12:9


Mother’s Day!

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This Mother’s Day my wife was asked to speak at a Mother~Daughter Banquet in Greenville, Pennsylvania.  As you can imagine, Elizabeth was  very excited to celebrate this special day for the first time as a mother!  We haven’t experienced all the joys of parenthood yet but we are certainly looking forward to it!  As we enter this new chapter in our lives we are becoming increasingly aware of the great responsibility that comes with parenting. I’m so thankful that the Lord has written so much about children and how we should raise them!  With His help Elizabeth and I will provide a home that encourages our children to love the Lord and to have their own personal relationship with Him.  Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

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