Categotry Archives: Updates


Abbie’s Ready To Travel!

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In the Pentagon

We finally made it to Washington D.C. to apply for Abigail’s Filipino passport!  We arranged for our stay to last a couple of days just in case the paperwork took longer than we anticipated.  Praise the Lord, we completed everything in 45 minutes and had an extra day to enjoy Washington!  The Consulate was so accommodating and made the process easy!  The most difficult part was getting Abbie’s picture taken.  Our squirmy worm doesn’t like to sit still for long but we managed to take the photo.  Now, Abigail’s paperwork is all set and she’s ready to leave for Cebu!  Thanks for the prayers!


Bible Believers Baptist Church~Corry, PA

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We drove to Corry, PA to visit Bible Believers Baptist Church on a  Wednesday.  We met Pastor Karpenko’s children several years ago at summer camp and just recently saw them at a youth rally where we received an invitation to their church.  The spirit of the congregation was wonderful!  The people were so kind and added to the sermon with their interactive spirit.  I preached longer than normal but no one was in a hurry to leave and  they even stayed longer after the service to talk to us!  After services we left Pennsylvania to go to Washington D.C.  and the Philippine Consulate.  It was a long drive but necessary since we were finally  going to get Abigail ‘s Filipino passport!


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

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The holidays have come and gone and now we’re in a new year!   Christmas was a wonderful time to relax with family and enjoy Abigail’s first Christmas.  She couldn’t truly appreciate everything around her but she certainly liked helping Elizabeth wrap gifts.  To me it looked like Abbie was eating more paper then anything and wrapping seemed to take Elizabeth a lot longer but it was also a lot more fun!  We have enjoyed starting our own family traditions with this precious new baby.  It is a joy to know that because of Christ we can raise our daughter knowing His truth and love as best we can.   As we look to the new year I feel excited and a little nervous.  Lord willing, we will be leaving for Cebu in March, 2012.  We are preparing for this move and can’t wait to see what God is going to do in 2012!  Happy New Year to you all and God bless!


Baptist Snow Camp 2011

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Right after Christmas I went with our church to Baptist Snow Camp!  We’ve enjoyed the mild winter we’ve had so far but if you want to have snow camp, it’s always better when there’s actually snow.  Some of our teens actually packed light clothing in anticipation of a warm two days.   What a surprise when we drove into Sinclairville and found ourselves surrounded by a blanket of white.  Despite the weather elsewhere the Lord has provided snow for the camp 16 out of 17 years!  We brought 30 boys and 20 girls from our church and were excited to see what the Lord would do in their lives.  The preaching was amazing!  Brother Robbie Morrison was the main speaker and brought messages that everyone could benefit from.  Another preacher directed his message to second generation Christians, teenagers who had grown up in church.  Several got saved and many others made great decisions that will continue to impact lives.  I’m glad that I was able to come this year!  I look forward to going again in the future when we come back to visit from Cebu.  God has used camp in my life over and over again and I feel truly blessed!


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