Categotry Archives: Updates


Sempronius Baptist Church, Moravia NY

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While we have finished all of our missions conferences we still have a couple more meetings before  we leave at the end of the month.  This Sunday we were with Pastor Grimes and Sempronius Baptist Church.  Also, the Lord has given us an extra special blessing this week! My brother Andrew had the week off school and wanted to spend his time off with us.  We’ve had fun spending thsee precious moments with him. Unfortunately, schedule is crazy this week and we will be driving more than ever as we travel to different churches.  We have already driven over ten hours this weekend!  So please pray for poor Andrew (and Abigail).  He’s getting a taste of being a missionary this week.  He’s done great so far and we love having him with us.


Trinity Baptist Church~Rochester, NY

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We just finished the final missions conference of our deputation!  It was exciting to see a lot of familiar faces at the conference.  Brother Robbie Morrison, was actually the main speaker during our very first missions conference so it was neat that he also preached our last. Also, there were other missionaries there that we’ve met and grown to know in our travels.  One of those is the Sietman family, who will also be leaving shortly for their mission field.  It’s exciting to see the Lord make a way for our friends as they endeavor to serve Him with their lives.  During the meeting we also met others that are just beginning their time of deputation.  It reminded us of when we started, almost two years ago…the excitement, the slight nervousness, and the longing to go.  Now, it’s almost time.  March 26th is coming soon!  I’m so excited to finally get to Cebu!


New Beginnings Baptist Church~Kennedy, NY

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Our next meeting took us to Kennedy, NY to visit Pastor Herdzik and New Beginnings Baptist Church.  We were excited to see this young church faithfully serving the Lord in their community.  The day we were with them actually marked a year since Pastor Herdzik and his family moved into the area.  Since their move they have witnessed God do many things for them and the church!  One of the most recent blessings was the new tile floor in the church foyer which was absolutely free! Jamestown High School purchased too much of the flooring for their own remodel and donated what was left to the church!   What a blessing to see God’s provision for this body of believers!



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Pastors Praying for Chris

 On February 25th, I was privileged to be surrounded by my friends and loved ones as I was ordained into the ministry.  In the days leading up to my ordination I was a little nervous but it was such a beautiful day.  I was overwhelmed by all the support my family and church family showed!  God has greatly blessed my life and I would not be the man I am today if it weren’t for Him and these people that He used to impact my life.  I thank the Lord for counting me faithful for the ministry! It is an awesome responsibility and privilege.  These are exciting times and I look forward to serving the Lord in the Philippines!

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