Categotry Archives: Updates


A New Outreach

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DSC02697It has been well over a year since we first started our route in Nasipit.  It was a great year, one where we were blessed to see many children come to church and receive Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.  We even had some faithful mothers come, get saved, and even baptized!  Now one year later we still have a faithful few who are coming each Sunday.  Our numbers have started to dwindle however-for several reasons-and the time has come for us to find a new area for outreach.  For the past couple weeks we have been having children’s classes in Talamban and have been meeting new families that are eager to hear the Bible!  One of our children’s classes averages around 50 children and parents who come and listen to us as we teach God’s Word.  These are huge opportunities for us to share the gospel and help these families find a new life in Christ!  Please pray that hearts would be open and that we would see many people accept the Lord as their Savior!  



Back to School!

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This past week Lighthouse Baptist College began another year of Bible school!  We have been blessed with three returning students and look forward to teaching them in our upcoming classes.  We are excited to see the Lord work in the lives of these dedicated young people.  As for those who graduated from our one year program we have been blessed to see them remain faithful to church and their area routes.  Some of them will be pursuing degrees in the secular world and we wish them the best.  We are thankful to have young people in our church who want to do right and serve the Lord! 


Abbie’s TWO!


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We had fun celebAbbie Turns TWO!rating our baby girl’s second birthday!  I can hardly believe she’s a toddler!  These days she is quite the chatterbox and sings just about everywhere she goes.  She has taken the three languages she hears around her, English, Cebuano, and Tagolog and has made it one.  The people at church regularly ask her if she is Filipino or American on that particular day because of all the different words she uses.  Little Abbie loves to go with me on Saturdays and watch as we do Backyard Bible Schools with the neighborhood children.   We pray the Lord gives us wisdom as her parents to nurture her sweet spirit and that she’ll get saved at an early age!  We are so blessed to have this energetic little one in our lives!


Graduation Day

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DSC02460We were happy to see our college students finish the college year well.  Two young ladies completed their one year GIFT Program.  The word GIFT stands for Grounded In Faith Training.  It is a program which basically asks our young people to give the Lord one year of their life to ground themselves in Biblical principles.  We have three remaining students who are going to continue a four year program, training for the ministry.  We thank the Lord for these young people! They are the future of our church and we are excited to see what God is going to do in their lives!

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