Categotry Archives: Updates


Caroling on Christmas Island…


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When you sCaroling We Go!tep on Malapascua Island you will hear the sounds of people rebuilding their lives. Chainsaws cutting away at the fallen coconut trees, making lumber. Hammers busy fixing homes and boats. Children laughing and playing. Seeing their determination to restore their way of life, creates an even greater desire for us to help them! In the spirit of Christmas, our church took buckets full of relief goods and went Christmas caroling around the island.  We went to homes, sang, and presented these families with a little gift. We saw tears of thankfulness, smiles of joy, and even looks of surprise!  In this country it is customary for carolers to get paid for singing, so these families were very surprised when we did not expect any money and gave them a gift instead!  Elizabeth and the kids were able to go with me to Malapascua this time. What a blessing to help these people and serve the Lord together!


Colors of CHRISTMAS!

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Colors of ChristmasChristmas…it’s a special time in this busy world. It’s a time when hearts think about family and the greatest gift that was ever given…the birth of our Savior.  In this Christmas season we have attempted to share the true meaning of Christmas with the world. On December 8th we invited people to come and see our Children’s Christmas Program. ‘Color’s of Christmas’ was a 30 minute program that showed the meaning of each beautiful color we see around the Christmas season. “Red is for the blood Jesus shed for sinners who are lost…The true meaning of Christmas in the colors we see is the gift of salvation given for you and for me!” It was a beautiful program and we had almost 100% of our parents come to see their children tell the Christmas story in song.  Each one of those parents heard Pastor Travis preach the gospel and had an opportunity to think about Christ. The Christmas Program has been a wonderful tool to reach out to the lost and make way for future visits!  


A Big Thank You!

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A Blessing on Wheels!Several people have asked about our van and how close we are to paying it off.  At this point we have received a little over 60% of our needed funds.  We have been making monthly payments and could certainly use any help to cover the remaining cost! We can’t thank everyone enough who has helped us purchase this vehicle! We have used it to pick up adults and children each week for church. Because we have this van we can travel further distances and reach people in far away areas.  Without the van we could not physically get all  the relief goods for Malapascua island. It has been a big blessing as we purchase building supplies, food, and water for the people in northern Cebu. As for the relief effort, the people are starting to build their homes. We have been blessed to see their determination in rebuilding their lives after the typhoon. Thank you so much for all you financial support and prayers as we bring the love of Christ to Malapascua Island!


Relief Goods Delivered!

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Last Thursday we made our third trip to Malapascua to bring relief goods to the survivors of Typhoon Haiyan. We loaded our church jeDelivering Relief Goods!ep with over 5, 000 packages of noodle soup, 2, 500 cans of meat, and 1000 pounds of rice! It took 3 days to shop and load the jeep! Pastor Travis then left Cebu City at 1 am Friday morning to deliver this relief shipment. They arrived at 5 am and loaded a boat to take everything to Malapascua island. Unloading the boat took 4 hours! The people were so thankful for everything we brought! We packed the goods in bags to be given away. Each member of Malapascua Missionary Baptist Church received enough food for one week. We also gave out 400 relief packages to the people living in the community! Our college guys used the  tarps we brought to provide temporary shelters and even put a tarp on the roof of Missionary Timothy Owens home! They worked tirelessly to pick up debris and help these people move on after the storm. A faithful lady from our church set up a medical clinic for two days and saw over 70 patients. That Sunday they held services and many new people were at church for the very first time! Your sacrifice has made such a difference in the lives of these people! We have trips planned every week for as long as there are funds. If you still want to give, mark your gift…Travis Lewis Philippine Disaster Relief Fund and send it to Word for the World P.O. Box 849 Rossville, Georgia 30741-0849. There is still a great need on this little island. With God’s help these resilient people will recover from the storm!

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