Categotry Archives: Updates


5 Years!


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On November 28th we celebrat<3ed our 5th year wedding anniversary! These past five years have just flown by…and now 60 months, 1,825 days, and two kids later we continue to thank the Lord for our journey. These years have been filled with love, work, and challenges but never regret. I am so happy the Lord brought us together!


Youth Sunday 2014

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Each year YOUTH Collagewe set aside one Sunday for the youth of North Cebu Baptist Church. It’s a special day that provides fun and challenging new ways for our teens to serve the Lord. On this day we let them lead our services. Everything! From congregational singing, to ushering, to special music, to preaching…our young people did it all. It was a blessing to see them step out of their comfort zone and participate in the service!  Good job guys!


A Year After the Storm

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Pastor Walter & his family >Our Missionaries from North Cebu Baptist Church!<

One year ago, the largest storm known to man hit our Philippine shores. The devastation from, Typhoon Haiyan, was immense. To this day certain regions are still struggling to rebuild but the Filipinos are a resilient people and have risen to the challenge. One year ago, in the wake of the storm, we were able to send relief to a tiny island just off the coast of Cebu. Malapascua didn’t receive a lot of media attention during the crisis but their need was great. Many of you sent donations and we used it to send Malapascua water, food, tarps, rice, and more! It was an amazing way to show these people Christ’s love and hope. Our own missionary, Pastor Walter Langbid, was there with his family (at the time they were filling in for American missionary, Pastor Timothy Owen, who was on furlough in the USA) during the storm and God used them to touch the lives of countless people. Mrs. Langbid had this to say about their experience, “A year has passed …..we will never forget when typhoon YOLANDA hit Malapascua Island….we were in the kitchen with our kids under a narra table, kaelb felt asleep and kaela was asking when is it going to stop? My husband was my encourager…..BUT the greatest blessing was we were able to FULLY trust the LORD even with our lives…..not even a thought that we will go back home ….the Lord spoke to our hearts that the people there needed the Gospel more….and they did….God gave the increase…….The Lord was our STRENGTH…..and it’s still amazing how until now that WE SO MUCH MISS OUR ISLAND ADVENTURE especially my kids…..that YOLANDA taught us to still smile and be thankful for everything…..”in the day of proseperity be joyful, in the day of adversity consider…….. We love this family and thank the Lord for their precious testimony!  The Lord used them to help the people of Malapascua both physically and spiritually! Now, a year later the church has a wonderful testimony in the community under Pastor Owens’ leadership. Thank you for investing in the people of Malapascua!


College Ministry Days

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Two students talking with a lady about Christ

Between semesters, the staff and students of Lighthouse Baptist College took a few days to help the different ministries around Cebu.  One of the churches we helped was a pioneer work, led by one of the missionaries we support. We went street preaching, taught classes, invited people to church, and shared the gospel. In the middle of it all the Lord gave us an added blessing….two familiar faces! As we were working, two sisters came running toward our group!  They had been a faithful part of our youth group until just last year when they moved to a distant location. At the time we lost contact with them and had no idea where they were. It was a great opportunity for us to visit and introduce them to another wonderful church. Thank the Lord for these extra blessings!

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