Categotry Archives: Updates


Enlist! Fight! Serve!

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This was our biggest year of camp ever! We had 264 campers in attendance and 7 of those teenagers were saved!  God worked in hearts and many teens made tremendous decisions for Christ. Throughout the week, we heard messages on forgiveness, bitterness, and fighting the good fight of faith.  We are so thankful for the camp ministry and all the people who worked behind the scenes to make it happen. 44 people from our church staffed at camp this year! What a blessing to see our church family come together to serve Christ.  But our job is far from over…please continue to pray for us as we strive to work with these young people. Pray that that we would see teenagers take a stand against sin and grow in their walk with Christ.


Summer Camp Prep!

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Camp is just 1 week away! We are so blessed to have church people that want to get involved!  Without our small army of workers, summer camp would be impossible!  We have teens spending their summer break decorating and singing in the choir and adults taking vacation days to work in the kitchen. Please pray for our teens! Camp is fun, but we want this week to be a time for people to get serious about the Lord.  Thank you and please enjoy the slideshow!


A New Chapter


Categories: Updates

The Doney FamilyFrom the beginning, it has been one of our goals to open a home for children. It is a desire shared by our missionary partners, the Lewis family. As you can imagine starting an orphanage is no small task!  It will take hard work, time, & finances. Now, God has brought a family to Cebu to make this dream a reality! Brother Mike Doney, Miss Imelda, & their family arrived in Cebu this past February.  Their sole focus will be to start a school & orphanage through our church! It is amazing to watch God put all the pieces together. This ministry will be a huge undertaking! Please pray for God’s wisdom and strength. We are so excited to see what God is going to do! 



Home Sweet Home


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IMG_2107We serve an amazing God! All the money that was needed to purchase the house has come in! We want to thank everyone who has helped make this possible! We have watched God do incredible things over the past few months and we feel so blessed! We are overwhelmed by all the love and support we’ve received from churches, friends, and family! Please pray that the paperwork would be processed quickly and that we could move in this coming June. :) Thanks again to everyone who sacrificed to help us. Your prayers and support have made an amazing impact on our ministry!


with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

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