Hello and thank you for taking time to pray for us! God has been working in awesome and specific ways because of your commitment to us to hold the ropes. We are putting our prayer letter out a week early because next week will be our youth camp! If you would like to print a PDF of our prayer letter, please click here. Thanks, and God bless!
Prayer Letter for March
Hello to you, our friends! Sorry for being a bit behind in our prayer letter this month. Justin was in another part of the country with Chad last week for another church’s missions conference. Things have been moving ahead and we’ve been seeing great growth across our ministries. Thanks always for your part in praying for these efforts! If you would like to print a PDF version of this letter, please click >HERE<.
Prayer Letter for March
Greetings! Thanks for taking time to read and pray for our work here in PNG. God really blessed in the last few months, and I know they were things for which we asked specific prayer. God’s working, and if you would like to open the PDF of our prayer letter, please click >HERE<.
Prayer Letter for January
Greetings, and Happy New Year! Another year finished, and hopefully we are on to bigger and better things as we look to the near future. If you would like to have a print copy of our prayer letter, please click >HERE< and thanks for your prayerful support.
Prayer Letter for November 2022
Hello, and thank you for reading our letters and for praying for our family. You are great allies to us as we serve here in Papua New Guinea. If you would like to print a PDF of our prayer letter, please click >HERE< to find it.
Prayer Letter September 2022
Hello friends and prayer partners!
Thanks for taking the time to read our letters and to pray for us. We have been running quite a full schedule. A typical month has Pastor’s Meetings, Bible college classes, all of our church outreaches and regular service, but this month we had travel and a few other things thrown in there as well. We appreciate the prayers as we see provision coming, the Lord sustaining us, and God moving. We can’t do it without you supporting us in that needful ministry. If you would like to print our prayer letter, please click here!
Prayer Letter for July 2022
Happy Independence Day!
We are so happy with what God has been doing and what it seems like He will be doing with us in the next few months! If you would like to see the PDF of our prayer letter, please click >HERE<. Thanks as always for praying for our family and ministry in PNG!
Prayer Letter March 2022
Friends, thank you for your faithful support of our ministry. We appreciate all of you who read our letters, think of us, and pray for our success. We’ve had bouts of sickness across our team, times of good harvest, and times of sowing. If you would like a printable PDF format of our prayer letter, please click >HERE<
Prayer Letter for March
What a busy time it’s been! Thanks for praying for us. Many send little notes, texts, or comments via email or Facebook or some handwritten mail and we love it all. Thanks to all of you who reach out to let us know that you care about us! If you would like to download a PDF of our latest prayer letter, click >HERE<
Prayer Letter January 2022
Hello friends,
Thanks for praying with us these past few months, we’ve definitely seen God working. It’s exciting to see the growth in our people and the recent salvations! Please take some time to read through some of our news, and please pray for all that is on the horizon for us in the next few months. If you would like to have a printable PDF of this prayer letter, you can find it >HERE<