Old Friends

We were able to go to a Missions Conference at a church pastored by Justin’s former youth pastor. Pastor Gerwitz had a big influence on him as a young teen, and was the leader of the missions trip that got Justin thinking seriously about missions.

We had a great weekend catching up with them (or in Kayleigh’s case, meeting for the first time 🙂 ), and also presenting our ministry to the congregation.

She’s Here

Sorry this took so long!

Adrienne Leigh was born on September 13, 2014 at 10:43am. She weighed 6lbs 4oz, and was 19 3/4 inches long.


We are thankful for a safe delivery and a healthy baby!



Erie County Fair

ec fair

Kayleigh and I were happy to participate with our church in our soulwinning booth at the Erie County Fair this year. Faith Bible Baptist Church has been a witness at this fair for many years. We partner with Amazing Grace Missions. Any time the fair is open, there are soulwinners at the booth. My wife and I were able to hand out tracts and invite people into the booth to hear the gospel. It was a privilege to be witnesses for Christ in our community. There were 214 filled out decision cards testifying that they were saved this year at the fair! This is 50 more people than last year’s fair. What a blessing.

A Visit and VBS

Sunday night we dropped in on Hedstrom Baptist Church for a visit. When we arrived, we noticed that things didn’t seem quite set up for a church service, and there were a lot of kids around…. We had picked the first night of their Vacation Bible School to drop in!



As this was only a few days after our church’s VBS, we were happy to jump right in and help. They swiftly put us to work in the craft area making “worker bees.” Justin was able to find some bee facts, and think up a little lesson to share with the kids as they worked on their craft: worker bees do what they are supposed to without being told, and that’s how we should be too!




We enjoyed getting to meet the church members and kids in a less formal setting, and we look forward to going back sometime to see what a “real” church service is like. 🙂