
Summer Camp 2013


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Our summer program is in full swing and has kept us busy with church activities, including camp!  This summer our church hosted camp on a school property.  It was a beautiful location but it lacked a lot of things that would normally come with a campsite.  Things like a running kitchen and cafeteria were not provided and even beds for the kids and counselors to sleep.  This did not stop our camp staff or campers though and we had an awesome week!  Campers brought cardboard (yes, cardboard!)and foams to sleep on and our kitchen staff transformed a classroom into a working kitchen with a portable stove top.  Our main speaker was a Filipino missionary to Vietnam.  He and his family had amazing testimonies from their church back in Vietnam and really challenged our faith during the week.  These dear people have to meet secretly for church and baptize new converts in the bathtub of their own home.  During the week, this pastor said that he didn’t know what would happen to him and his family but he knew that being in God’s will was the best place for him, his dear wife, and children. That is a man of faith!  It was an incredible week and several teens made great decisions!  Camp has meant  so much to Elizabeth and I in our life back in the States and we are so happy to take part in this ministry here in the Philippines. 


Our First Year!

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This week we celebrated our first year of being in Cebu!  Time went by so fast as we planted ourselves in the ministry and in our new home.  During this time we started a new route that expanded with both children and adults.  Several have been saved and some even baptized!  For those of you who know we need a vehicle for the route please keep praying that the funds would come in to cover the cost.  So far we have received almost thirty percent of our goal.  The expense of a vehicle in Cebu shocked me but the Lord has continued to provide for our needs.  Also, I have taught in the public schools with Pastor Walter.  Through this ministry we have seen teenagers come to church and hear the gospel.  Many have even trusted in Christ alone as their Savior!  God is not done saving souls! Our family expanded this year too with the birth of our son, Micah Christopher!  We had this little one in a third world country but had a good experience. The Philippines may be lacking in some areas but their medical field has a taking many steps forward.  I can’t list everything we did this year but to sum it up-God has been good!  We had such a great first year in Cebu and look forward to serving the Lord here for many many more years to come. 


Our Friends Return

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After being in Papua New GuPastor & Laynainea for the month, Pastor Travis, and his daughter, Alayna, are finally coming home!  This missions trip was a great opportunity for them to see one of the world’s final frontiers and the missionaries that live there.  This month our church in Cebu has missed them but thankfully different people have stepped up to the plate and done really well in pastor’s absence.  Pastor has trained his men well which proved to be a blessing.  We love the people here and are happy to be working with them!  Welcome back Pastor and Alayna!


A Year of Bible College

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It’s hard to believe our first year of Bible college has almost come to an end.  We started with seven Bible college students and now have five.  We’ve tried to teach them ministry and practical living.  From Bible doctrine classes to learning how to sew and cook, these students have been given an opportunity to enhance their lives and grow spiritually.  It’s been a good year, a year of learning for the teachers too!  What a blessing to teach these young people, the future of our church!

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