
Return to Cebu

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Return to CebuThe Lewis’ are back in Cebu! They were greatly missed and we are so thankful to have them in the Philippines again! :) This return from furlough has been unlike anything they have experienced before…Because of the fire, they have been completely displaced. Since their arrival two weeks ago, they have made it their goal to find a new place to call home. But truly the real work begins once they find a house…they will need to buy appliances, furniture, and basic house needs. As difficult as this situation is, we have seen God do amazing things! I know He will continue to work and provide for this wonderful family. Really, He already has! We know that in God’s timing He will provide a home and everything else that goes with it! We would like to thank everyone who has already prayed and supported this family! 


Until We Meet Again…

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Dee Dee & The ChildrenOur time with our guests went fast! We spent 12 days, showing them the ministry and the beautiful island we now call home. During their travels they went with us  into the public schools! The children inside listened attentively and kids outside were pressed against the windows, trying to see what was going on!  They also took part in street preaching. Because English is a second language for many, they were able to witness and tell people about Christ!  On the weekend, they jumped into our children’s ministries and helped with Backyard Bible School. This is one of our favorite ministries where we bring Sunday School to the children; singing songs, memorizing verses, and teaching Bible stories.  Though our time was short, it was such a blessing to have them here! They truly refreshed and encouraged our souls! We miss them already!


Together Again

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We have visitors! Elizabeth’s brother, Daniel, is back with two friends from Grace Baptist Church.  Their visit will be brief (around 12 days) but full of ministry work!  We are so thankful for this opportunity to show them firsthand, the ministry God has called us to. Aside from that, we are also looking forward to spending time together and savoring these special moments.  We thank the Lord for His blessings.

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