
Traveling Again

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Our travels have officially begun!  It has been wonderful to see old friends and tell them what is happening in Cebu. We have been encouraged by God’s people and their hospitality! As the world loses its way and drifts farther from the truth it is good to know that there are still good churches that stand for Christ.  Please pray for us as we continue our journey across the country. Pray for safety as we travel and that we would be a blessing to those we visit! 


Back at Camp!

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2016-Teen 2 Week 4-0508Last week, we went with our home church to summer camp! It was wonderful to return to our old stomping grounds and see our friends at Commonground Baptist Camp.  In some ways, things haven’t changed. It’s still a place where teens can hear solid preaching and make monumental decisions for Christ. What has changed is the campers themselves. We don’t know this new group of young people; they were so young when we left 4 years ago. Now, they are the teenagers, the future of our churches! In these last days, we need them more than ever.  Praise the Lord, God is still using camp to reach teens and change lives. Camp meant so much to me as a young man and it is so good to see it help others too! 



Kids & Culture Shock

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4th of July

Culture shock. It’s something our kids are experiencing right now. :) When we arrived at the house where we are staying, Abigail, dropped to the floor and said, “The ground is so soft mom!” Micah quickly followed his sister’s example and laid beside her, “Can we sleep here???” In Cebu, everything is concrete so these carpeted floors became the new big thing in our family. :) Another significant difference the kids noticed was the drinking water. Drinking water from the faucet is a big NO-NO in the Philippines. It can make you terribly sick, so we taught our children not to drink it. So when I filled our glasses with water from the sink, Micah started to cry. “Please, mom! You told us not to drink the yucky water!” His genuine concern for us almost made me cry.  Overall, the kids are loving their time in the States. They have a million questions about everything they see and it is so much fun to introduce them to our homeland.

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