
The Countdown Continues…

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25 days to go before we return to Cebu! Our schedule is busy with meetings, packing suitcases, and shipping supplies to the Philippines. During our time in the US, we have been refreshed and encouraged by our supporting churches but now the time has come for us to go home.  We have heard good reports from Cebu and we are excited to jump back into the ministry.  Please continue to keep our family in your prayers as we get ready to fly back to the Philippines. 


My Journey


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As a missionary wife, there are some questions I get asked a lot.  Whether it be a family member or church, inevitably I’m asked, “Do you like living in the Philippines?” My answer is a genuine YES! But that wasn’t always the case.  As a young wife, I completely supported Chris and was excited to serve the Lord in the Philippines. Then we took our survey trip…and suddenly I found myself looking at the reality of living in a third world country. Honestly, I didn’t think I could do it!  Everything was just so foreign, so different from anything I knew. I prayed, “Lord change this country so I can live here and serve You.” A very spiritual prayer, I know. :) But then something amazing happened in my heart. God brought the testimonies of other missionary wives to my attention. One phrase jumped at me…“Different isn’t always bad, it’s just different.” God used this over and over to prepare me for life in the Philippines. During the rest of our survey trip, God helped take my focus from me to the need around me.  By the time our survey trip was over, my prayer had changed from, “God change these people…” to “God change me so I can help these people.”  Now, almost 5 years later, the Philippines has become home. It’s funny, as a missionary you go to another country to reach out and help people and yet God uses these same people to help us. I’m so thankful to see how God has grown me throughout my personal journey. Not that I’ve “arrived” or become super spiritual but I realize how weak I am and how much I need God to work in my own heart. 



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Well, after being on the road for seven months we have wonderful news! Seven more churches have expressed a desire to support our ministry! We’re so thankful for God’s provision and the love of God’s people. Please pray that we would reach our goal and that three more churches would partner with our family.  



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