
A Quick Trip

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The Lord has blessed us with an opportunity to go back to the States for a wedding! Someone has graciously helped with our plane tickets, allowing us to be a part of our friend’s special day. We’ll be in the USA for a couple months, also taking this time to visit supporting churches we missed on furlough. One of the hardest sacrifices a missionary makes is missing big events, like weddings, so we are beyond thankful the Lord opened the door for this quick trip! 


And the Baby is…

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We are excited to announce that baby Baran is…a BOY! We’ve finally decided on a name too, Philip Michael. Micah is thrilled to have a little brother and Abigail is slowly warming to the idea. :) Elizabeth is half way through the pregnancy so please pray for her and baby Philip throughout these coming months! 


Exciting Times!

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We want to praise the Lord for two more young men who were baptized this month!  It has been our prayer to see souls saved and grow to be faithful members of the church. Too often in our world today, people make professions of faith and then disappear, never to be seen in our churches again.  This leaves us to wonder if they were truly saved or if we failed somehow to help them grow. In my own personal witness, I do my best not to push someone to make a decision. If the heart is not ready to recognize their sin and their absolute need of a Savior, praying the sinner’s prayer is not going to help them.  We must rely on the Holy Spirit as we share the Gospel with people and not pressure them to “get saved” before they are ready. Praise the Lord, the souls we have seen saved and baptized this month, have been faithfully attending church ever since. It is such an encouragement to see fruit that remains! These truly are exciting times for North Cebu Baptist Church!

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