
Copperstown, NY

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Service Plaque

Service Plaque

While I was with Lynwood Baptist Church for their missions conference, Pastor Steve Carpenter took the missionaries to Copperstown, NY where the Baseball Hall of Fame is located. It was very interesting to see how baseball came about. I learned a lot about baseball that I never knew. They had all the plaques of the different men that were members of the Hall of Fame. One thing that stood out to me was the fact that several of these men served our country in time of war. Some of them were involved in World War I and II and other wars that our country had a part in. One man was even involved in the Civil war. I appreciate men that have character and put importance in things that have more value than a bat and a ball, our country.


Lynwood Baptist Church

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Johah’s Whale

What a wonderful week I had in the town of Hadley, NY. It was a beautiful little town in the Anarondacks. Lynwood Baptist Church invited me to be with them on their missions conference. They were so kind and hospitable. I enjoyed my time with them greatly. I stayed with the Verras a family from the church. They have a beautiful house in the woods. They have a lake for a backyard. It was a beautiful place very relaxing and peaceful. It was so quiet that half of the time I did not receive any cell phone signal. Bro. Verra took me out on his boat and we toured the lakeĀ  It was amazing! He introduced to me the great fish that swallowed Jonah!



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Hindu Temple

Hindu Temple

During my recent visit to Toronto, Canada, I was given the chance to visit a Hindu temple during which a hindu ceremony was taking place. It broke my heart to see men, women and even children vow to several idols and think that they are worshipping a god. The Devil has so blinded this world lest they see the glorious gospel of our blessed Lord Jesus Christ. The temple is open to anyone that would want to visit it. It would be hard for me to go back a second time. The music that was being played gave me chills in my spine. It sounded like a bunch of demons howling. The aroma of the place was very different. The spirit of the place was hunting. This caused me to think of the missionaries in places like India that is saturated with Hinduism. Praised the Lord for what they are doing.


Toronto (Canada) Witnessing Team!

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IMG_0417I was able to go and visit some friends in Toronto, Canada this week as I try to get to know some churches in the area to see if they are willing to let me come and present my work. Toronto is only 2.5 hours away from where I live in New York. I have made several contacts and Lord willing several more. On this trip we were able to assemble a team to go door knocking. We had a good time! We past a good number of tracts and John and Romans. We were able as a group to talk to several open people. No one made a decision for Christ but the Word of God was preached. It will not return void. It will accomplish its task. Please pray for a 14 year old young man by the name of Alex that he would receive Christ as Savior. When we first started the conversation he said that he was an atheist,but by the time we left he was beginning to ask several good questions that leads me to believe that God has somewhat caused him to think. He has been brainwashed by world. Praise the Lord for His word that is quick and powerful.

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