Chris & Elizabeth


Our New Life in Cebu

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Things have been busy as we settle into this beautiful country.  Our time here has almost added up to one month and we’re still adjusting to the new culture and climate.  Right now we’re in the middle of the Philippine summer and temperatures can easily rise to almost a hundred degrees with humidity.  Back home this would be enough to keep most people in their homes but here it is a daily part of life that the people have learned to live with.  Abigail is adjusting well and loves her new surroundings.  Her blue eyes and light colored hair have made her a tiny celebrity. She has been a great conversation starter with different people as we travel on public transportation.  I think she would make a great soul winning partner!  Easter came and with it, Holy week, one of the biggest holidays in the Philippines.  It’s a time when people take vacation and celebrate…and almost nothing can be done throughout the week.  I was reminded of this when I went to get our P.O. Box address and the only lady who could give me the address had taken a vacation to China and wouldn’t be back for days.  Yes, we’re still acclimating to the new pace of our new home.  Praise the Lord we’re finally here!  There are some frustrations but what a blessing to finally be in Cebu.


We Made It!


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Dear Friends and Loved Ones,

Well, after 24 hours plus of fly time and layovers we finally made it to Cebu.  It has been a little over a week since we arrived and we’re almost over our jet lag.  As we traveled on deputation a wise veteran missionary warned us that the first two months on the field can be the most difficult. Entering the airport to leave Buffalo I never anticipated any difficulties.  As we were checking in, we discovered that we were missing some necessary paperwork to leave the States.  As a result my wife was immediately flagged, making it impossible for us to leave on the 26th.  Thankfully our travel agent knew how to handle the situation and made it possible for us to fly out the very next day.  Praise the Lord!  We’re not sure why the Lord delayed our trip.  Perhaps it was an opportunity to be a good testimony for the travel agent.  She was very surprised that we weren’t upset throughout the whole ordeal.  Another  possibility could be that the Lord was protecting us from something.  Whatever the reason, God showed us that He was in control.  I know that God wants us here and that He is with us as we begin our new life in Cebu. 


The End to an Amazing Adventure!

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We had an exciting conclusion to our deputation trail!   For two years now the Lord has protected us on the road and only once have we ever broke down.  During those two years we prayed specifically that our car would last as long as we were on deputation and that it wouldn’t cause problems for the next owners.  Well, the day after our meeting in Porter Corners we continued our journey to Massachusetts.  It’s a long trip through some pretty isolated terrain but I wasn’t too concerned and focused on enjoying time with my brother.  We had driven a good hour when the car started to make a terrible rattling noise.  I’ve never heard our car make this sound before and immediately knew that something was very wrong.  We had just started to climb a hill when I decided it was time to pull over.  Now I was concerned, here we were in the middle of nowhere, stuck on the side of a hill.  Things looked pretty bad and I was supposed to meet my sister in Massachusettes later that day.  In just ten minutes a man stopped by in his truck and asked if we needed some help. He took a look at our engine and confirmed my suspicions, my car wasn’t going to make the trip Massachusetts or anywhere else for that matter.  The good news was that just down the hill there was a mechanic who could set us up with a rental car!  We had just enough power left in our Toyota to crest the hill and coast into the shop.  The people there were great, they bought our car and gave us a discount for our new rental car.  Throughout it all God made it very clear to us that He was in control.  At the time it looked like a terrible moment to lose our vehicle but now I’m so glad it happened.  Yes, glad!  Hey, God answered our prayers; the car lasted for the entirety of deputation and it didn’t cause the next owner any problems!  On top of it all we somehow managed to break down in the middle of nowhere, not even five minutes away from a mechanic.  Coincidence?  I know better than that.  And because our car broke down I no longer have to deal with the paperwork that goes with giving a car away!  God is so good.  We were so happy I think the mechanic must have thought we were a little strange.  Two hours later we were on the road again as if nothing happened.  I met my sister and enjoyed telling her our story!  My God has taken great care of us throughout our adventures here in the States.  I think this whole ordeal was another way to remind us that He is always in control and that He’ll be with us on that airplane going to Cebu.  I’m reminded of the verse in Romans, “…if God be for us, who can be against us?  He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?”

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