Chris & Elizabeth


Typhoon Hagupit

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Last westormek the Philippines was hit by another large typhoon. This typhoon followed a similar path to that of its predecessor, Haiyan, causing a lot of concern for the people living in the affected communities. Our own city prepared to face the storm; trees branches were cut, store windows were taped, and families stocked up on supplies. In the Philippines the highest warning for a typhoon is a signal 3 and our city was given a signal 2.  The hours leading up to the storm left our city quiet and the roads empty as people hunkered down to face the typhoon. Imagine our great surprise when the storm hit and we were only showered with steady rain! It rained for two days but it wasn’t terrible and the winds were hardly felt. In our Sunday evening service one of our ladies gave this testimony, “It was almost like the hand of God blocked the storm!” What a blessing to see God’s protection even when things appeared dark. We want to thank all of our family and friends who prayed for us during the storm!


5 Years!


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On November 28th we celebrat<3ed our 5th year wedding anniversary! These past five years have just flown by…and now 60 months, 1,825 days, and two kids later we continue to thank the Lord for our journey. These years have been filled with love, work, and challenges but never regret. I am so happy the Lord brought us together!


Youth Sunday 2014

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Each year YOUTH Collagewe set aside one Sunday for the youth of North Cebu Baptist Church. It’s a special day that provides fun and challenging new ways for our teens to serve the Lord. On this day we let them lead our services. Everything! From congregational singing, to ushering, to special music, to preaching…our young people did it all. It was a blessing to see them step out of their comfort zone and participate in the service!  Good job guys!

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