Chris & Elizabeth


Traveling Mercies

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We took a group of our faithful children on a special trip. Filipinos possess a great spirit of adventure; they love going places they’ve never been before! So as a reward, we took these kids to a park on top of Cebu’s newest mall.  Our trip did have some unwanted adventure. On the way to the mall, our jeepney blew a tire! When the tire blew, my heart sank and I wondered if we would be able to get the kids to our destination. Thankfully, we were able to find a safe place to park and swap the tire with a spare. Because we were able to pull over and replace the tire so quickly, we still had plenty of time to take the children to the park. When we finally made it, the smiles were everywhere!  Truly, safety is from the Lord! I’m thankful we were able to take the children on this outing with only a minor detour! 


Six Years Ago

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6 years? Is it really true? :) I don’t feel that much older. But yes, March 29, marked our sixth year serving in the Philippines. Six years ago, our family moved across the world full of plans, goals, and excitement to see God work. And He certainly did! Just not in all the ways we planned. :)  Why? So He could get the glory, and not Chris Baran. Yes, it is good to be prudent and make plans… but don’t be surprised when the Lord moves those plans aside to accomplish His own will.  Right now, I’m in a place I never envisioned but I know God orchestrated. Six years ago, I would never have thought that North Cebu Baptist Church would be nationalized. Six years ago, I would never have thought I would be assisting nationals plant new churches! But here we are and God gets all the glory!  I’m thankful to serve a wonderful Savior Who knows much better than I. 


Each One Reach One!

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A young man was recently saved and baptized! His story begins like so many others. Someone cared enough for his soul to invite him to church. After hearing a clear presentation of the Gospel, he asked the Lord to be his Savior!  Now, he has joined a Bible study and the choir. Last week he even invited his cousin to church!  That is the power of the Gospel! Don’t let the good news stop with you. Let us each one reach one and watch God draw sinners to Himself!  

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