Prayer Letter for March

Hello all,

Thanks, as always, for keeping up with us. We have been out reporting to some of our churches, and it is always an encouragement to have someone come up to you who has been reading prayer letters! Even seeing the current letter on the wall is fantastic and a blessing. Please feel free to click >HERE< if you need to print the letter out.

Prayer Letter for January


What a crazy end of the year we’ve had! Thanks so much for being there with us through this. We’ve had so many reach out and contact us to let us know that they are praying and concerned with Madilenne. Every email we got meant the world to us. We had some email and express that how we’ve handled our new situation has been an encouragement to them as well. We are so blessed to know that even while we are being tried, and even though we are far from our ministry, God is still using us to help. That’s what we agreed to when we started this. That’s what we desire. We are so blessed for our King to see fit to glorify Himself through our lives. What an honor.

If you wish to print out our prayer letter, click >HERE<

Prayer Letter for September

Hello Friends.

Thanks so much for taking the time to open our prayer letter and pray for us! I know that there are a lot of missionaries who send letters all the time, but your prayers and love for us mean a lot. If you would like to see a printable version of our prayer letter, click >HERE<.

Prayer Letter May 2019

To our friends and prayerful supporters,

Thanks for praying for us these past few months. Some of the things we asked you to remember in prayer were answered with victories! God has been working in really great ways, and we are looking forward to see what He does with us next! To view our latest prayer letter, please click >HERE<

March 2019 Prayer Letter

Hello to all who pray for us!

We are so thankful to be writing our first prayer letter from Papua New Guinea! It has been quite a busy few months. Most exciting of all was seeing God work in the town of Erave Station. God saved souls and worked in hearts, and we thankful that He is allowing us to be used. To view the prayer letter in PDF for, just follow this link >HERE<

Prayer Letter January 2019

Hello friends! Our latest prayer letter is out, and we are so excited. It has been a busy two months, and the next few will prove to be quite busy as well! To read or print our prayer letter in PDF form, click >HERE<

Prayer Letter for November


We are so happy to release this prayer letter. Things have finally moved forward with our visas. We are finally able to shift our attention to purchasing plane tickets and making the move across the ocean! Thanks so much for praying for us these past 18 months. We appreciate the care you showed us, and we are privileged to be your missionaries to Papua New Guinea.


Please click  >HERE< to view our latest Prayer Letter!

Prayer Letter for September

Hello friends,

Thanks so much for keeping up with us. Please click >HERE<  to see our latest prayer letter.


Just like last time, I would ask that if you currently receive our prayer letter only through this page, please follow >THIS LINK< to sign up for our MailChimp mailing list. It’s just a better system for us to use, and we are able to keep track of our mailing list better this way. I also want to thank each of you who has already switched. Once you have signed up with our MailChimp account, please feel free to unsubscribe from this list. If you don’t, you will just be receiving duplicate emails. Thanks so much, we have the greatest prayer supporters!

Prayer Letter for July

Hello Friends!


Here is our current Prayer Letter. Please click > HERE < to view it. Thank you so much for continuing to pray for us. Hopefully we are very close to finishing our deputation and packing up for the field. God has been so good to us, and we can’t wait to get to work for Him in Papua New Guinea!

I do have a request for anyone who currently gets the prayer letter ONLY through the website. If you get the email update for prayer letters, please make sure that you are receiving the “Mail Chimp” version. We are switching over to a new way to distribute our letter, and the way our website works, I can’t just move the email addresses over to a new list. If you could, please either send me your email to , or you can follow > THIS LINK < to add yourself into our current distribution list. If you get added to the mail chimp list, feel free to unsubscribe to the website version.

Thanks for your patience. If you have any trouble at all, feel free to reach out. I want this to be easy on you. I can’t tell you how much we appreciate that you take time to pray for us, and I want to be able to ensure that continues as we serve the LORD in PNG.