Thanks for keeping up with us. It’s been exciting moving forward in PNG. Please take some time to read our update, and please pray as we’ve got some great potential on the horizon. If you wish to view this in PDF so that you can print it, please click >HERE<
Prayer Letter for September
It has been a crazy month. We’ve seen some great highs with spiritual fruit being evidenced, and we’ve seen some lows with Kayleigh spending a week in a PNG hospital. Please take some time to read our prayer letter. You can find a printable PDF >HERE<.
Prayer Letter for July 2021
Hello and thank you for keeping up with us! I know there have been whole churches that have prayed for us this month, and boy did we need it! As always, God definitely took care of us, and we are blessed by what he allows us to take part in while we serve him in PNG! Please click >HERE< if you would like to see a print version of our prayer letter.
Prayer Letter for May 2021
I hope you are all well! We are in our last week of preparation before we leave, and we are super excited to be getting back to Papua New Guinea! You can download our latest prayer letter >HERE< Thank you all for praying for us and for being an encouragement to our family. Many have emailed us, sent letters, texted us, and reached out to us through this year, and this has been a huge blessing as we prepped to go back with Madilenne. It is a huge blessing to know that you are praying for us!
Prayer Letter March 2021
Hey friends!
It has been a busy past two months with visiting and presenting PNG at new churches. We travelled the length and breadth of the country in January, and it was a good time. As we are hopefully nearing our departure back home to PNG, please take a look at our latest prayer letter. We appreciate going places and people knowing what is going on with us because they read our letters. It is such an encouragement and a help to us as we work with Jesus!
You can download our latest prayer letterbox clicking the link >HERE<
Prayer Letter for January 2021
Praying friends,
Our first prayer letter of the year is live! Please click HERE to view it. It definitely was a year to remember, but through it all, God has us in His hands! What a great God that we serve. Yes trials, yes some storms, but He has never left us or forsaken us. We live a life of great blessings.
Prayer Letter for November 2020
Greetings! Thanks so much for your prayer for us, and for those who have given to provide for us the past few months. God has been blessing and taking care of us. Thank You for your part in that. To print our prayer letter out, please click >HERE<
Prayer Letter for September 2020
Hello to our friends,
Here is our current Prayer Letter. Please click HERE to view it. We love you guys, and we just want to thank you for your support and prayer for our family. We are truly blessed by God because of the prayers of His saints on our behalf!
Prayer Letter July 2020
Hello all,
Thanks for taking the time to read our prayer letter. If you wish to view and print it, please click >HERE<. It’s been an interesting few months with Covid-19, but we are happy to see God still working!
Prayer Letter for May 2020
Hello Friends.
Our latest prayer letter is here! Thank you so much for keeping up with us and for praying for us. We have been so blessed over the past few months with the support and love poured on our family. It is awesome to see God moving us forward towards going back to PNG. I know that we’ve had people speculate that we wouldn’t go back, but looking at what God has done for us, we are excited to get back to it. He has shown His love to us so clearly and has helped us carry the load He has given.
We were able to test out some of our medical tests and equipment that we will be using to treat Madi. If you are interested in watching a video on how that went and what is involved, please CLICK HERE.
If you would like a printable PDF of this prayer letter, please click >HERE<.