Being shy, introverted, and not at all a “people person”, i was really dreading deputation. Meeting and talking to new people, being in unfamiliar churches, getting up in front of people to do music or speak… not my ideal day.
But to my surprise, after almost two years of “part time” deputation, i’ve actually enjoyed it! I’ve always loved the packing and planning that goes along with a trip. I enjoy spending time in the car with my husband. I’m so thankful to say we’ve experienced none of the missionary “horror stories”. We’ve always had nice places to stay, and have been VERY well fed. We’ve sung and played our songs so many times, i don’t really need the music anymore (i still use it, just so i have something to look at ). Everyone is so welcoming and friendly. Conversations aren’t so difficult after all :). We have also enjoyed seeing local attractions and landmarks as we travel.
As for Adrienne, she is a little social butterfly and loves meeting new people. Twice recently, she’s walked up to children at a new church with a big smile, a “Hi!” and arms open wide for a hug. She’s great in the car, and a good sleeper – even in new places. She’s not very good at being quiet in church, but we can work on that. As soon as there’s a pause or a quiet moment, she fills it with with her little words… usually “what’s that?” or “oooooh!”
Overall, we’re thankful for the good experiences we’ve had, and all the wonderful churches we have been able to visit and minister to. Looking forward to see what in the next few months of deputation.
You’re so great

I keep waiting for you to come back with a horror story, but there haven’t been any! Yay for all the awesome churches in the northeast US