
Moving Into Our New Home!


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After much work and preparation we finally moved into the house this past week!  It’s still not completely done but we’re so happy to be in our first home.  Abigail has tried to help in the cleaning process; when mommy sweeps she grabs her little broom and scoots the dirt pile around to new places.  At thirteen months she already wants to be mommy’s little helper.  Elizabeth is in the second trimester of her pregnancy already and is starting to recover from her morning sickness.  It feels like this pregnancy is going a little faster than the first but perhaps that’s because Abbie keeps us pretty busy.  The bible college the church has started is going well.  We have six students so far with possibly one more joining us soon.  This bible college is a huge step of faith for our little church and it has been amazing to see the Lord bring it together.  Thank you so much for all your prayers for our family and the ministry!


Blessings on the Field

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As Christians, it’s always a tremendous blessing to see the Lord work in our lives and in the ministry around us.  Sometimes we get discouraged when we don’t see the results of our labor turn out quite the way we wanted.  But then there are times when you weren’t expecting it, that God moves and does something amazing.  I think that’s one of the ways the Lord reminds us that He’s in control.  He gets the glory!  Because you know that it definitely wasn’t your doing!  We had one of those moments this week.  Many of you will remember that we just started seeing wonderful results from our back yard bible school in Nasipit.  So far we’ve had twenty-five to thirty children come to listen to our Bible stories!  That has been a major blessing in itself but we’ve still seen only a few come to church with us on Sunday.  This past weekend happened to be a fiesta for our little town so I wasn’t expecting anything different.  In fact my expectations were so low that I wouldn’t have been surprised if even our regulars didn’t come to church.  Visitation that Saturday went well, we actually had several great conversations and received several promises.  On Sunday I went to pick up our route and was shocked to find several visitors waiting for me!  When we got to church I found that a family had even come on their own!  This week our numbers doubled and the seeds of the Gospel were planted! What an exciting Sunday!  Praise the Lord for this special blessing!  Pray, pray, pray that these families will respond to what they have heard and be saved!


Teaching the Children in Nasipit

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A couple months have passed since we chose our target area in Cebu.  Nasipit is a town that appears small at first but once you start down the dirt road you quickly find yourself surrounded by homes and small stores.  The first time we went soul winning, we had a group of fifteen children follow us as we witnessed and passed out tracts.  The need is definitely great as we discovered almost everyone is devout Catholic.  Many are not happy about our presence in town but some are curious and want to hear more.  Of those people only a handful have come to church but praise the Lord some have been saved!  Every Saturday we have returned to Nasipit, hoping that we’ll meet someone searching for the truth.  As we have reached out to the community we have noticed the growing requests for a backyard bible school.  As a result we changed our routine, started to bring our songs and Bible stories, and invited all the kids to meet under a tree.  This time the response was great!  We had twenty-five kids show up!  Even the parents watched from their homes and listened as we presented the Gospel.  Our prayer is that through this backyard bible school, families will get to know us and become more willing to talk about Christ.  Please keep these people in your prayers!

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