
Elizabeth’s Paperwork

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It has almost been a year since we moved to Cebu last March.  Being a dual citizen has made it so much easier for me and our children to process our paperwork and stay in this country.  Things are a little more complicated for my wife.  Because she is married to a dual citizen she has a yearly visa, allowing her to stay in the country longer than most.  However, it runs up after a year, at which point she would be required to leave the country and renew her yearly visa upon her return. As you can imagine a plane ticket can be a little pricey but praise the Lord we have found a better way!  By becoming a permenant resident of the Philippines, Elizabeth would no longer be required to leave the country, eliminating the cost of a yearly plane ticket. It’s a long process but we’re hoping to have Elizabeth’s permenant residency next year.  Please pray that all our paperwork would be approved and that there would be no complications!


My Birthday in Our New Home

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This year my birthday proved to be very different but fun.  I went to Manila with Pastor Travis to pick up a visiting pastor from the States. Manila has changed so much since the time I was a boy running the streets.  It has continued to expand with new buildings and people looking for work. A lot has changed in my own life since I lived there.  I have returned to this country with the good news of Christ.  Many people look at me and my family and ask why…why would I ever want to leave the U.S. to live in the Philippines.  What a great opportunity to share what has drastically changed my life!  What an encouragement to see seeds of the Gospel planted in the lives of these people!


Route Blessings

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Several months have passed since we first invited our landlord and her workers to come to church.  For the first time this past Sunday a young girl who helps our landlord finally came!    She’s a nice girl, who like many young people here in the Philippines comes from a poor home.  She can’t even read or write but yet she always has a smile.  We were so excited to have her visit our church!  After the service she was given a clear presentation of the Gospel and asked the Lord to save her soul!  Please pray for Gessa, that she would keep coming to church and grow in her new-found faith!  

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