
Camp Prep!

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Teens!January and February started our busiest season at North Cebu Baptist Church! With camp in April, we are already working on decorations, programs, and schedules. This will be the 5th year our church has hosted summer camp and we are excited to see what God will do! Because camp has helped so many teens, we do everything we can to make it affordable for everyone. A majority of our young people do not have their family’s support to raise money for camp. In fact, we work very hard just to persuade parents to let their teens come. Camp provides an invaluable week of encouragement and spiritual help for our teenagers! So while we keep the camper fee low, the actual cost for running camp is not! We ask you to pray and consider helping us in this needed ministry! As we prepare for camp this year, we are trying to raise a minimum of $5,000 just to make camp possible. We want to thank the people who have already showed their support through their prayers and finances! Your investment will impact the lives of teens for years to come! For those who still want to give, please send camp sponsorships to our support address marked Lewis Camp 2015.


The Gift of Love

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This month North CebuHearts Day Baptist Church hosted a Valentine Banquet for the teens. We call it a banquet…but really it was more like a youth rally! :) The teens had a lot of fun playing crazy games, winning prizes, and watching skits. It was a great opportunity for our young people to invite their friends and tell them about Christ. Our theme was ‘The Gift of Love’ and the message was on the greatest love gift mankind has ever seen-the Lord Jesus Christ! We had 86 teens in attendance…86 teens that heard a clear presentation of the gospel! This banquet has given us an open door to these young people and their families….another wonderful opportunity to reach out and share Christ! Please pray that many teens would be saved!


Baptism Blessings

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ThisBaptism Collage past Sunday we had two more people baptized! The first was, Edmarie, a young mother that was recently saved at our church.  Since her salvation she has attended our services and expressed her desire to be baptized. Genesis is a teenager who has been saved for some time now but finally decided that he was ready to be baptized! Baptism is not something we do to earn our way to heaven.  It is a public proclamation of our faith in Jesus Christ!  We thank the Lord for these blessings!


Birthday Surprises!

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My 30th Birthd30!ay came with several surprises this year, making it even more special! First, my wife surprised me by throwing a surprise birthday party-then the bible college students came to our home early one morning to sing happy birthday (A fun Filipino tradition)-then our youth group got together and bought a cake for me! I have been blessed in so many ways and thank the Lord for another year to serve Him. I don’t know what this year will bring but what a great start!

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