
Dual Citizen


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It’s official! Micah is a dual citizen! Yay! We want to thank everyone who prayed as we processed his paperwork. He also has his American passport now, so he is ready to become a world traveler!  Sometimes I forget that he has never been to the USA because he was born here in Cebu!  He is going to love meeting our families and friends….and seeing snow for the first time!  Thanks again to all those who prayed!


Ministry Week at Malapascua

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Jesus Loves the ChildrenEach year the staff and students of Lighthouse Baptist College take a week to help another ministry in the Philippines. This year we went to Malapascua Island to help the Owens family.  Many of you will remember Malapascua as the tiny island that survived, Haiyan, one of the world’s largest typhoons.  After the storm, the islanders were faced with catastrophic damage but they never lost their resolve to rebuild their community.  During that time, our church was able to partner with Pastor Timothy Owens and Malapascua Missionary Baptist Church to bring relief to the survivors of Haiyan. People were helped both physically and spiritually. Now, two years later we returned to Christmas Island.  We went street preaching, taught in the public school, invited people to church, and shared the gospel.  Going back to Malapascua was a tremendous blessing! We pray that God will continue to use Malapascua Missionary Baptist Church to heal hearts and lives.



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thankful heart.001Sometimes the Lord allows trials so that men can see His goodness. Sometimes a tragedy becomes an opportunity to reach out to those who are hurting. Just a few days ago a fire destroyed the homes of 50 families in our area. Several children in our church were left without a house. Thankfully, the government has already declared its intention to help rebuild their homes. Our church is doing everything we can to provide food and clothes. The Lord has given us a great opportunity to be a blessing! A couple months ago, a church donated a box of dresses and shirts to the children of NCBC. Originally, we were saving it as a reward for the children in our Christmas program, but due to circumstances we know they will be an immediate help to these families! We want to thank the ladies at Grace Baptist Church in Greenville, PA for making these beautiful dresses. Some of the girls have already come to church wearing their new clothes. Their precious smiles reveal their thankful hearts! Please continue to pray for these families as we look for ways to minister to their souls.

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