One of our prayers for the ministry last year was that the Lord would add three families to the church. Over the course of the year, we watched God do that! One couple, in particular, encouraged our hearts. They had been devout Catholics all their lives, but a Baptist friend witnessed to them and invited them to their church. When they moved to our area they started googling Baptist churches and decided to visit our church.
After about a month, they were gloriously saved and baptized! Pastor Elbern has been having Bible studies with them weekly. During one such Bible study, they asked Pastor Elbern about idols. On their own, they brought their Catholic saint to him and said they didn’t want it in their home any more. They broke it right then and there. It’s been amazing to watch God work in their lives! The wife is a CPS worker and has organized an event for us to speak at. So we have this unique opportunity to share Christ with possibly 200 plus mothers! God is so good! He is still drawing men and women to Himself, we just want to praise Him for all He is doing!God has grown our faith and this year we are praying for five new families! :)