Our Little Pirates!
Summer Camp was a blessing again this year! We had 250 campers join us for a week of preaching and fun. Our theme this year, Character Counts, has been one of our favorites! Throughout the week teens were encouraged to develop godly character in their lives. Our pirate crew was a lot of fun too! :) Throughout the week several souls were saved and teens made important decisions that will impact their lives for years to come! We were so privileged to be at camp working alongside our church!
That’s wonderful! Ya’ll may never know exactly how much impact y’all had on those kids, but I pray God blesses y’all for your willingness to reach out to them and show them His love.
Pastor Chris, Enjoyed seeing you and the family back in the states. God bless you all for representing our Lord and Savior. You, Elizabeth and the kids are all heroes to us and always in our prayers.
We enjoyed seeing you all Stateside too! We love our home church. God has blessed us with dear friends on both sides of the world.