Chris & Elizabeth


Merry Christmas!

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We want to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas as we celebrate the birth of our Lord! In the midst of all the festivities and fun may we remember the true reason for the season.  This Christmas my wife and I  enjoyed spending time with our families.  It was also neat for us to consider that by next Christmas our little family will have grown by one.  My God has given me so much more than I deserve!  Psalm 37:4-5 -“Delight thyself also in the Lord: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.  Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.”


Christmas Cantata~Then Jesus Came

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We were excited to be a part of a ninety voice choir this past Friday night!  Several Independent Fundamental Baptist churches from New York and Pennsylvania get together each year and organize a beautiful Christmas program. This recurring tradition has allowed the churches to obtain a foothold in the neighboring communities.  Several lost souls will attend just for the sake of hearing a Christmas Cantata.  As a result they also hear a clear presentation of the Gospel and some receive Christ! This years Christmas Cantata featured ‘Then Jesus Came’~a story that tells of a situation that appeared lost and hopeless.  Much like our world full of sin and death, but then the Lord in His love intervened and offered us a new life!


Preaching at Home

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I was given the opportunity to preach at Faith Bible Baptist Church on a Wednesday night and also at the Chapel, a church plant of our home church, on Thursday night.  Both services went really well.  It was wonderful to see the church folks again!  It just so happened that it was Pastor Seth’s birthday on Thursday so we were able to celebrate and give him a hard time.  At the Chapel I preached and presented our work.  It was exciting to see the group of people coming to the services. Afterward we enjoyed the fellowship and pizza!  It’s always a blessing to come home and be a part of our church and it’s ministries.


A Precious Gift From Above

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The Lord has again answered our prayers! My wife is expecting and the baby is doing great! We just had an ultrasound done and were able to see our little one.  What an amazing thing.  This ultrasound also made the fact that we’re about to become parents a reality.  The baby is about 12 weeks and the estimated due date is June 15th.  We’re so excited about this precious gift God has entrusted us with!

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