Chris & Elizabeth


Massillon Baptist Temple~Massillon, OH

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We were excited to finally begin deputation this year! It was a fresh start for us as we headed to Massillon, Ohio to be in our first meeting of 2011!  Pastor Thayer had me preach and give my testimony.  It was a wonderful night of services and the Lord greatly blessed!  After the message the church graciously voted to take us on for support!  What an unbelievable start of the year! Praise the Lord for this dear church.


Happy New Year!

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Happy New Year everyone! It’s amazing to think another year has come to an end.  The Lord showed Himself strong and continually provided for our needs in 2010.  As this new year begins I can only wonder what lies in our future.  Many things have already been planned and scheduled but I think we all know that no matter how hard we try some things will just not go according to plan. :-)  One thing is certain however, no matter what 2011 may bring the Lord is in control.  It is my prayer that your year will be filled with the peace that only Jesus can bring whether your days be joyous or dark. May God bless you and your families!


Winter Camp 2010

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After the holidays I was able to go with my home church to Winter Camp!  We took thirty-seven of our teenagers to the snowy plains of Sinclairville, NY for three days of fun and preaching. Please keep my wife in your prayers, because of her morning sickness she couldn’t come with us.   I certainly missed her during those few days!  We had a lot of fun playing the creative games the camp had for us.  At one point they had me in a monkey suit, actually a gorilla suit for a skit.   It was a blast!  The reason we go to winter camp however is for the intense preaching we get each year.  Winter Camp may be fun but truly it is a time for the Christian to get serious with God without all the distractions of the world.  What a blessing to see some of our teens receive Christ and others make life changing decisions! I’m so glad I was able to take part in this great ministry!

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