Chris & Elizabeth


Tent Revival in Harmony, PA~2011

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Abigail went to her very first tent revival in Harmony, Pennsylvania just a few days after she was born. Being a dad has been so much fun!  Elizabeth and I really enjoyed taking our little one to her first service on the road.  She did really well, hopefully this is a glimpse of how she’ll do once we’re full time on the road again.  It was a blessing to see many of our friends at the tent meeting.  Of course, Abigail stole the show and our friends seemed to forget all about us once they saw the baby.  We had so much fun and we were even able to schedule a couple of meetings in the process.


It’s A Girl!

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AbbieOur little family has finally become a trio! Abigail Elisabeth Baran came to us on Wednesday afternoon, June 8th, 2011. She was just one day past her due date, weighing in at a healthy 7 lbs. 11 oz.  There is absolutely nothing that can prepare you for receiving such a precious gift.  Elizabeth and I are so excited to finally have our Abbie with us!  We praise the Lord for giving us this beautiful baby girl. Thank you all so much for your well wishes and prayers! Both Abbie and Elizabeth are doing great!  We’ll try to put pictures on the blog soon!


Memorial Day 2011!

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We hope you all had a great Memorial Day! We would like to thank those of you who have served in our military!  My wife and I were able to spend the day at home with our families.  It was a blessing to have my parents come to our house and share their day with us.  With dad and mom being in town we had hoped that Abigail would surprise us but she’s apparently quite comfortable in her current situation.  So instead, we spent the day relaxing and enjoying our loved ones.  In the end we were even able to go fishing.  It was nice to slow down a little and relax.


Celebrating Four Hundred Years~The King James Bible

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God’s preserved Word, the King James Bible, just celebrated its four hundredth year anniversary! Since its existence, many have sought to destroy this precious book.  Despite these attacks the King James Bible remains the best-selling book of all time and has greatly influenced our world!  Our very country was molded by the principles found in the Bible.  Patrick Henry said, “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”   No other translation has made such a great impact on the world!  As the English language has spread, the Bible has followed.  It is responsible for numerous revivals here in the States and abroad.  Cultures have been formed around it and nations have been forever affected.  This is something supernatural, proving again and again that God has used the King James Bible!

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