Chris & Elizabeth


Summer Activities

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The summer has kept us very busy!  I went to the Dunkirk and Erie County Fair with our church to work at the Amazing Grace Mission Booth.  Amazing Grace Mission has an awesome ministry reaching the lost at fairs and festivals.  I was able to talk to several teenagers about the gospel but none of them received Christ.  Perhaps more seeds will be planted in their lives that will eventually lead them to the Lord!  This summer Elizabeth and I also took part in another Vacation Bible School.  The church plant our home church started hosted their very first Vacation Bible School this year!  It was a blessing to see new Christians serving the Lord and working with the children!  Praise the Lord, many souls were saved throughout the week.  What a great way to impact the local community!  We also traveled to Erie, Pennsylvania to join Grace of Calvary Baptist Church for their Tri-State Pastor’s Fellowship. We enjoyed seeing several of our supporting churches at the conference! It gave us a great opportunity to update these faithful friends and introduce our Abigail. While we were there, Pastor Alquist and Grace of Calvary gave each visiting pastor and missionary a wonderful gift.  They have been such a blessing to so many men of God over the years!  The Lord will certainly bless those with a giving heart!


Eden Corn Festival and Parade 2011

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Our church participated in the annual Eden Corn Festival again this year.  The float we entered into the parade showcased the King James Bible and its 4ooth birthday!  I was able to play my trumpet in the orchestra and pass out tracts.  By the days end 2,000 John & Romans were handed out!  I think I learned the secret to passing out tracts….bring a baby!  Abigail is a great conversation starter and it is very rare when someone refuses to take a tract.   We all enjoyed the day and Abigail’s very first parade.


Summer Camp 2011!

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I was able to be a counselor at two weeks of camp this summer!  What a blessing to return to this special place.  Unfortunately, Elizabeth couldn’t be a counselor this year because of little Abbie but she did manage to visit for a couple of days.  The theme this year was Knights of Christianity which provided many cool games.  Also, the camp staff performed a skit entitled ‘Stay in the Castle’, encouraging young people to stay close to the Lord and let Him provide their future spouse.  It was exciting to see many of the teens decide to stay pure!  This concept is becoming so foreign in our world today.  Even nine and ten year olds are being pressured to be in relationships now! Praise the Lord for those decisions made at camp!  I’m so glad to have been a part of it.  Lord willing, we will be in the Philippines by March and we’ll miss camp next year.  My wife and I will miss participating in this awesome ministry!  However, it will not be the last time that we attend.  Lord willing, our children will be able to go in the future and be changed as well. 


Our Return to Faith Baptist Church~Springville, NY

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Pastor Friedman and our friends at Faith Baptist Church asked us to come and visit with our Abigail.  Now, as my wife and I grow into this role of parenting we are discovering that we still have so much to learn.  For instance, there are times when a baby changes your schedule and gives you an unexpected surprise.  Sometimes this surprise is greatly unwanted….That being said, we arrived at the church without problems and Abbie was very happy. The song service started and I went to share my hymnal with Elizabeth.  Seeing a strange look on her face I looked down at Abigail, who was sitting in my wife’s lap.  Sure enough, Elizabeth’s white skirt was covered in a yellow mustard color and little Abbie was smiling away.  That was the first time Abigail had surprised us like that in a church service but I suspect it won’t be the last. At least now we’ve learned that it may be wise to pack Abbie an extra set of church clothes as we travel.  On a serious note, the church there in Springville had a young man visit while we were there.  He has come before and is very curious about the church and salvation.  It is evident that he is searching for the truth but he is not yet ready to trust in Christ.  Please pray that he would continue to go to the church and be saved! 

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