Chris & Elizabeth


Northern Lights Baptist Church ~ Anchorage, Alaska

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Our next meeting took us to Northern Lights Baptist Church in Anchorage, Alaska.  It was wonderful to see a church excited to serve the Lord.  The people were very friendly and interested in the work that God has called us too.  Before we attended Northern Lights Baptist Church, I went to a youth rally and met several young people from the church.  It was great to see them again in their own church.  Two of these young men were college students, attending the Bible Institute that the church provides.  They reminded me a lot of years past when I was a college student, working hard and living from one day to the next, praying that God would provide my pressing needs.  These were times when the Lord strengthened my faith and had me prove Him again and again. When I was a college student, preachers and missionaries would come through our college and take time to be a blessing.  Now that I’m a missionary, I pray that the Lord will use me to be a blessing in the lives of other young men and take the time to invest in their lives. 



Pilgrims Baptist Church ~ Wasilla, Alaska

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We went to Wasilla, Alaska to see Pastor Tucker and the people of Pilgrims Baptist Church.  We were only there for one service but we greatly enjoyed meeting the pastor and some of the folks from the congregation.  After the service we were invited to an Alaskan dinner with the pastor and his wife.  They had prepared moose and then gave us some fresh salmon to take home.  Elizabeth and I have just fallen in love with the churches we have met and this beautiful state.  We have been so blessed!



Independent Baptist Church~Big Lake, Alaska

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Our first Sunday in Alaska was spent with Pastor Ferrett and Independent Baptist Church in Big Lake.  As we drove to the church, we were introduced to the snowy weather of Alaska.  Thankfully, being from Buffalo, I’ve had some experience driving in that type of weather!  Brother Ferrett was shoveling when we arrived and was happy to see that we made it! Pastor Ferrett is a missionary to Alaska and has been serving faithfully in Big Lake for years. Together, he and the church have built a beautiful building and have been a wonderful testimony in their community. 


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