Chris & Elizabeth


New Beginnings Baptist Church~Kennedy, NY

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Our next meeting took us to Kennedy, NY to visit Pastor Herdzik and New Beginnings Baptist Church.  We were excited to see this young church faithfully serving the Lord in their community.  The day we were with them actually marked a year since Pastor Herdzik and his family moved into the area.  Since their move they have witnessed God do many things for them and the church!  One of the most recent blessings was the new tile floor in the church foyer which was absolutely free! Jamestown High School purchased too much of the flooring for their own remodel and donated what was left to the church!   What a blessing to see God’s provision for this body of believers!



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Pastors Praying for Chris

 On February 25th, I was privileged to be surrounded by my friends and loved ones as I was ordained into the ministry.  In the days leading up to my ordination I was a little nervous but it was such a beautiful day.  I was overwhelmed by all the support my family and church family showed!  God has greatly blessed my life and I would not be the man I am today if it weren’t for Him and these people that He used to impact my life.  I thank the Lord for counting me faithful for the ministry! It is an awesome responsibility and privilege.  These are exciting times and I look forward to serving the Lord in the Philippines!


A Tribute to Our Grandpa, Richard E. Horn

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Elizabeth’s Grandpa Horn with our Abigail

We would like to thank everyone for their prayers for Grandpa Horn.  After battling his emphysema for twenty-six years he finally went home to heaven on the eighteenth of this month.  It’s never easy to say goodbye to our loved ones and Grandpa has already been greatly missed.  The Lord let Elizabeth and I spend Grandpa’s last days with him in the hospital, reading scripture and singing hymns.  What a testimony for grandpa to have all his children and grandchildren gathered around singing and quoting the Bible.  We thank the Lord for those precious moments and now we have one more reason to look forward to heaven.  “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.” Psalm 116:15


Just a Few More Meetings to Go!

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The Sunday before Valentines Day we went to New York to present our mission field to two different churches.  From the morning to the afternoon we were with  Pastor Burdick and Maranatha Baptist Church in Mayville.  It wasn’t all that long ago that I filled in the pulpit for Pastor Burdick and met the congregation.  It was good to see them again and some new faces too.  Something fun and unexpected, in honor of Valentines Day a gentleman sang some love songs during lunch.  This was definitely a first for us.  Never before have we been serenaded in our travels!  We had a lot of fun and enjoyed being with the church.  After the afternoon service in Mayville, we traveled to Lockport to be with First Bible Baptist Church for their evening service.  I’ve known Pastor Strobel for many years through the Teen Tristate meetings and looked forward to being at his church for the first time.   During the service I was given the opportunity to preach and show our video presentation.  It won’t be long now before we leave for the Philippines!  Please keep us in prayer as we finish deputatation with just a few more meetings to go! 

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