Chris & Elizabeth


Anniversary Sunday at NCBC

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This past week North Cebu Baptist Church celebrated its eighth year anniversary!  There was a lot of preperation and prayer involved and when the big day finally came it was great to see the fruit of eight years of labor. The Lewis’ have invested their lives, funds, and love into this ministry and the Lord has blessed.  Praise the Lord for their faithfulness to serve in a foreign land despite the different obstacles that have come.  For eight years, North Cebu Baptist Church has been a light to the surrounding community, actively soul winning, reaching out to kids through extension classes, getting into the public schools,  providing a bible college, and much more.   Elizabeth and I are just excited to partner with this ministry and see what God is going to do at NCBC in the future!  


Friends on the Field

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We are so thankful to be with the Lewis family here in Cebu. They have helped us set up our home and find a place in the ministry at North Cebu Baptist Church. It’s been a tremendous help to have the wisdom of this veteran missionary family and their friendship. And now the Lord has brought another missionary to us. Miss Leah, born in the Philippines but also an American like myself, has decided to serve the Lord in Cebu. She just retired but instead of taking this time to enjoy the benefits of  years of hard work, she has chosen to give her remaining years to the Lord. One of the things she would like to do is teach the people at church how to sew and provide a living for themselves. This is a very practical need that will be a great blessing to our people! Miss Leah comes to us with minimal support. Her trust and dedication to the Lord have been inspiring for my wife and I. Here is a lady, retired but who wants to give her life to Christ…now. Many reach this point in their lives and look for reasons to do less and less for the Lord but Miss Leah is surrendering it all. It’s true, you’re never too old to serve God!


Moving Into Our New Home!


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After much work and preparation we finally moved into the house this past week!  It’s still not completely done but we’re so happy to be in our first home.  Abigail has tried to help in the cleaning process; when mommy sweeps she grabs her little broom and scoots the dirt pile around to new places.  At thirteen months she already wants to be mommy’s little helper.  Elizabeth is in the second trimester of her pregnancy already and is starting to recover from her morning sickness.  It feels like this pregnancy is going a little faster than the first but perhaps that’s because Abbie keeps us pretty busy.  The bible college the church has started is going well.  We have six students so far with possibly one more joining us soon.  This bible college is a huge step of faith for our little church and it has been amazing to see the Lord bring it together.  Thank you so much for all your prayers for our family and the ministry!

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