Chris & Elizabeth


Family Park

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The Kids from Our Route

After a little competition, the church took the children who had been faithful during the month of September to Family Park.  The park was a special treat for the kids where they could see monkeys, rabbits, birds, and goats.  It was also an experience for us Americans who are used to seeing these animals separated and in their own exhibits.  At one point a monkey was given a banana and immediately a group of ducks swarmed under his cage, trying to snatch a bite.  Frustrated, the monkey started smacking the ducks in the head!  I had never seen anything like that in a petting zoo before!  Just another moment that said, “Welcome to the Philippines.” It was a great day where we got to show the kids that Christians can have good wholesome fun in this increasingly sinful world.  


Elizabeth’s Birthday


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This past Friday we celebrated my wife’s birthday!  Her first birthday in our new home.  It has been a blessing to see the Lord provide for both our needs and even our desires.  My wife loves classical music and even though there’s no orchestra here in Cebu I was able to take her to a restaurant where a small group plays beautiful music.  We had no sooner sat down when they started to play Elizabeth’s favorite song.  I was surprised to see tears in her eyes but I could tell they were happy tears.  I guess I did good!  :)  In a time when she was missing her family and friends the Lord blessed her and made her birthday even more special.  It may seem simple but to my wife it was a sweet blessing.  I am thankful for my wife and best friend! Happy birthday dear!


A Blessing from the USA


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We’ve been in the Philippines for about six months now and after two plus years of deputation we’re happy to be right where the Lord wants us.  At the same time it has been a blessing to hear from friends and family back in America.  We have received several emails and even some letters from our church family and friends.  And now we have received another blessing! Two more churches have decided to partner with our ministry through their finances and prayers!  Thank you New Beginnings Baptist Church in Kennedy, NY and Grace Baptist Church in Beaver Dams, NY!  What a blessing to see the Lord continue to provide for us in Cebu! And what an encouragement to know there are folks still thinking and praying for us across the miles.


Missions: The Heartbeat of God

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This month North Cebu Baptist Church is emphasizing the importance of worldwide missions.  In the years Brother Lewis has been in Cebu, he has taught his people to give-by faith-to God’s great rescue mission.  Many have already learned this important principle and now the church supports missionaries in Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, China, and more!  But for some it still is a foreign concept.  Many excuse themselves saying they are too poor to give.  While it is true the people here do not have much it is also true that when a Christian steps out by faith, God provides.  Many families who have taken this step have already seen the hand of God in their life!  Giving to missions is not limited by our resources but by our own hearts.  God isn’t lacking finances or possessions!  He just wants His children to carry the truth to others through their words, prayers, and finances.  Just recently, I was privileged to see missions in action!  For years our home church has supported a national pastor right here in the Philippines. He has given his life to the ministry and has been blessed to see men from his church go out and start their own ministries.  One of these men happens to be a missionary on his way to China.  Just newly married he and his wife are on full time deputation right now until they can go to their field.  At the end of August he came by, presented his work, and our church was able to take them on for support!  It’s amazing to see how God uses missions to reach people and then those who were touched go on and reach others!  Faith Bible Baptist Church, our home church, not only has fruit from their missions giving here in the Philippines but now they will also take part in the souls who are brought to Christ in China!  Isn’t that amazing!  Missions works and it is the heartbeat of God!

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