Chris & Elizabeth


A New Experience

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Well, after seven months we’re almost ready to meet our baby boy!  This pregnancy has gone by so quickly and we’re thankful that it has been an uneventful one. Now that we’re almost at the end of this pregnancy reality is setting in that we will be delivering this baby in a foreign country!  Thankfully, Cebu is up to date in its medical field and is home to many local nurses and doctors. What we weren’t expecting was the different way a culture deals with medical issues.  Not long after we started seeing our doctor we realized that fathers in the Philippines are not allowed to be with their wives during the birthing process.  The only way around this is to write a letter of permission to the three doctors who will be delivering our baby.  Even then permission is granted only for the father to be with the mother during the actual delivery, not the labor.  This was a shock for my wife and I and it seemed like a great sacrifice until we met another missionary couple who has been living here for years.  They went where few will go and the only hospital they had was nicknamed the “pre-morgue”.  After hearing some of their stories, Elizabeth and I became very thankful for the hospital here in Cebu City!  It’s still going to be a completely different experience but at the same time we realize that we are blessed to have a good hospital nearby.  I will be asking for permission to be with Elizabeth this coming Monday. Please pray that their answer would be favorable.  It’s amazing how different things are from one culture to the next.


Visitors From Nasipit

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It was great to have a new family from our route come to church for the first time!  Not only did they come but they drove themselves and came on a Sunday night, which is rare.  We have been visiting them for months now and have enjoyed several good discussions about the Bible.  The father is Catholic but has been very open to hearing the Gospel.  What a tremendous joy to see him walk through the door with his wife and son!  After months of planting seeds he finally came!  That can only be the Lord! Please pray that this man and his family would receive Christ as their Savior!


Calling Home

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Thanks to modern technology our family could share a small part in Faith Bible Baptist’s missions conference this year.  Our pastor and home church called through skype to check in with us and let us know that they are praying for our family.  We had a lot of laughs and shed a few tears as we talked with our friends and loved ones.  It brought back so many memories and challenged us to continue serving the Lord here in Cebu.  We aren’t running this race alone, others are watching and that’s just one of the reasons why we must press on.  Each of us touches a life and those same people, both saved and lost, need to see the Lord work in our lives!  I know it was an encouragement for me to see the same faces still in church and excited about their missions conference!  Hebrews 12:1-2, “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which does so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith…”

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