Chris & Elizabeth


Family Day 2012

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We had a special Sunday this past week at North Cebu Baptist Church! Family Day, a wonderful annual tradition was another great success this year!  Brother Lewis preached a great message about the family’s foundation and one of the mother’s from our route even brought her husband!  This is his third time visiting the church so please pray that he would  be saved!  Many Filipinos are family oriented and try to live a good life but what they must realize is that these things cannot take them to heaven.  The Bible tells us that only Jesus Christ can do that and it is Christ who will also make us better fathers and mothers.  Our good works cannot save us but once we accept Christ as our Savior we are compelled to live for Him and that will challenge us to love our families even more!


Three Happy Years

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It’s hard to believe three years have gone by since that special day in November.  In one sense it feels like we were just married two weeks ago but then again it also feels like we’ve always been together.  It’s amazing how the Lord takes two separate people and makes them one.  I’m so glad I have a wife who is willing to live half way around the world from home to serve the Lord with her husband.  Over the course of three years we have had to face different struggles but the Lord has grown us and made our relationship even sweeter.  She is my best friend and has helped me so much in the ministry!  I’m so thankful for my wonderful wife!


A Thankful Heart

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As we celebrated Thanksgiving this year I found myself reviewing all that has happened in my life and there is just so much to be thankful for!  Who would have thought that by 2012 I would be in the Philippines,  have a lovely wife, a precious little girl, and baby number two on the way!  Our first seven months on the field have been so greatly blessed.   We have benefited from the wisdom and friendship of the Lewis family, who have helped us sidestep many obstacles and taught us how to face others.  We were also able to find a house quickly, enabling us to settle into our new home.  In the short time we have been here we have even seen people trust Christ as their only way to heaven.  I know a lot of work and planning has been done to get us here in Cebu but I also realize that without the Lord our plans are futile.  In this Thanksgiving season I have to direct my praise to the One Who has enabled me to serve Him.  My very breath, my life is in His hands. He has given me health and strength, something which a person often takes for granted.  I’m so thankful for His love and protection!  Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and took time to remember what the Lord has done for you!


Youth Sunday

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North Cebu Baptist Church hosted a special Sunday for the young people this past weekend.  Both young adults and teenagers were invited for a day of fun and fellowship.  We had seventy-six come with several visitors also in attendance!  We were even blessed to see a few of these young people trust in the Lord as their Savior.  Our day ended with the Bible College students and a few others leading the evening services in congregational singing, specials, and preaching.  It was a great day which provided an opportunity for the young people to get out of their comfort zone, have some fun, and serve the Lord!  

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