Chris & Elizabeth


Our Friends Return

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After being in Papua New GuPastor & Laynainea for the month, Pastor Travis, and his daughter, Alayna, are finally coming home!  This missions trip was a great opportunity for them to see one of the world’s final frontiers and the missionaries that live there.  This month our church in Cebu has missed them but thankfully different people have stepped up to the plate and done really well in pastor’s absence.  Pastor has trained his men well which proved to be a blessing.  We love the people here and are happy to be working with them!  Welcome back Pastor and Alayna!


A Year of Bible College

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It’s hard to believe our first year of Bible college has almost come to an end.  We started with seven Bible college students and now have five.  We’ve tried to teach them ministry and practical living.  From Bible doctrine classes to learning how to sew and cook, these students have been given an opportunity to enhance their lives and grow spiritually.  It’s been a good year, a year of learning for the teachers too!  What a blessing to teach these young people, the future of our church!


Elizabeth’s Paperwork

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It has almost been a year since we moved to Cebu last March.  Being a dual citizen has made it so much easier for me and our children to process our paperwork and stay in this country.  Things are a little more complicated for my wife.  Because she is married to a dual citizen she has a yearly visa, allowing her to stay in the country longer than most.  However, it runs up after a year, at which point she would be required to leave the country and renew her yearly visa upon her return. As you can imagine a plane ticket can be a little pricey but praise the Lord we have found a better way!  By becoming a permenant resident of the Philippines, Elizabeth would no longer be required to leave the country, eliminating the cost of a yearly plane ticket. It’s a long process but we’re hoping to have Elizabeth’s permenant residency next year.  Please pray that all our paperwork would be approved and that there would be no complications!

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