Chris & Elizabeth


Our Friends on Christmas Island

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The Langbid Family

Pastor Walter and Mrs. Jephte

It was not all that long ago we were contacted by an American missionary that needed help.  He and his family were living on a very remote island just off the coast of Cebu, filling in for a missionary who was on furlough.  They were planning on being there for six months but his dear wife had gotten an infection in her eye and needed medical attention in Cebu City.  Not long after she had been examined, doctors recommended that she return to the States to see a specialist about a possible cornea transplant.  They knew they needed to return home but they were concerned about the ministry they were leaving behind. It was definitely God’s plan for them to return to the USA. The day they were to leave they discovered their connecting flight to Manila was cancelled. All flights were cancelled due to the terrible floods that happen in the monsoon season. However, another plane was available and it just so happened they had 5 available seats. One for each member of their family. During this time the Lord started to burden Pastor Travis’ heart for the church on Malapascua island. Literally translated it means Christmas island. Pastor Walter and his family have been a part of the North Cebu Baptist Church family for 7 years and Pastor Walter has believed for some time now that the Lord wants him be a missionary. As the Lord would lead, Pastor Walter and his family have moved to Malapascua until the missionary returns from furlough. It is a very remote island.  They must buy their food in Cebu and then take it by boat to their Christmas island. It is an  experience that Pastor Walter and his wife hope the Lord will use to prepare them for missionary work in the future. Praise the Lord for guiding and protecting these families as they serve Him. Please keep Pastor Walter, Mrs. Jephte, Kaela, and Kaeleb in your prayers!


Wedding Bells!

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Several months ago, Jean and RaIMG_4646lph, came to our church looking for a place to set their roots and start their family. This Christian couple had found our church by sheer happenstance…they had discovered our home church’s website.  They enjoyed listening to Pastor Kohl’s sermons and even went through his marriage counseling on audio.  It was during this time that they realized that Faith Bible Baptist Church in Eden, NY had sent a missionary to Cebu, Philippines, the same island where they lived. After contacting me they asked for directions and visited our church.   They have been faithful ever since!  I was amazed when they started talking to me about my pastor-they knew his testimony of salvation and other details about his life. I laughed and said, “Are you sure you have never been to our church?” As their wedding date drew near we went through marriage counseling and enjoyed getting to know them more and more. When the big day finally came…I didn’t know who was more nervous-them or ME! I performed my first wedding and enjoyed celebrating the creation of a new family. I am so thankful that God guided this couple to us. He is the only one who could have brought us all together. We are so thankful for His blessings as we serve Him in Cebu!


Blessings from our New Routes

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We have started a couple new routes and have been excited to see the turnout of children and adults.  In the beginning, when we first started looking for new places to teach we found one new area that didn’t look very promising.  We were thinking about moving on but a lady, Miss Meryl,  insisted that her neighborhood had several children who would come and listen to our Bible stories. That first Saturday she helped us tell the kids about our class and 12 children show up.  Encouraged to continue our class, we returned every Saturday and invited the people to our church services on Sunday.  Miss Meryl came faithfully for several Sundays and this past week she finally made that life changing decision to trust Christ as her Savior!  We are very thankful for Miss Meryl and that we made the decision to keep teaching in her neighborhood!


Teens from Texas


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This year North Cebu Baptist Church celebrated Friend Day with more visitors from the States.  A youth group from Texas came and spent ten days with us, seeing the ministry and experiencing a brand new culture. They brought some beautiful Bibles with them for the church!  After Friend Day we awarded those who brought the most visitors with a brand new Bible.  You could see the excitement on the winner’s faces! The youth group was great blessing to us and we are so thankful for the time they spent with us here in Cebu!

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