Chris & Elizabeth


Goodbyes Are Never Easy…

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Lewis Family CollageGoodbyes are never easy…but the time has come for our partners to temporarily return to the US. After living in the Philippines for ten years the government is requiring them to leave and renew all their paperwork and visas. They will also take this opportunity to help their son, Gideon get ready for college life back in the States. Please pray for them during this time! Pray for safety as they travel across the USA, pray for a smooth paperwork process, and pray for wisdom as they help their son. We already miss them greatly and look forward to the day they come back to us! God has used this wonderful family to bring us to Cebu and we praise the Lord for the partnership He has forged. The Lewis’ have become more than partners, they are our family and our prayers are with them always!



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Good news! Elizabeth’s permanent residence status has been approved!  Now, she can leave and reenter the country as if she were a Filipino citizen and stay with no time restraint. The only maintenance this status requires is a renewal of her i-card (her identification) every 5 years. Thank you all for keeping us in your prayers!


Stay In The Castle

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Flor and the CastleWell, it’s summer time! In this hot season there’s always one thing we look forward to….CAMP!  We packed our bags, our fans, our mattresses (yep you read that right :) ), and our kids to head a couple hours south and join the fun. The Lord blessed us this year with a large facility to accommodate our 200 plus campers. Even though it was not equipped with beds the campers came prepared. They brought cardboard and foam mats to sleep on!  For most of them it wasn’t too different from their own beds at home. I loved their smiles even when they didn’t have all the “necessities” that we so often take for granted. This year our theme was “Stay In the Castle.” Our crew did a wonderful job performing the classic play. What a great opportunity to encourage the teens to remain pure and to live a life of no regrets! In the world today, many people believe that is impossible!  But God’s Word tells us that it is not only possible, it is our”reasonable service” for Christ!


We {Love} Pictures!


Categories: Updates

The blog just got a much needed update! :) We added some new pictures for you to enjoy….images from the typhoon relief work in 2013 and also pictures from our many church activities. Watch our featured slideshow to see a gallery from our Back Yard Bible School adventures. These classes are so much fun as we bring Sunday School right to the kid’s back yard! Enjoy!

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