Chris & Elizabeth


Blast Off to a Bright Future

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Space CampWe want to thank the Lord for another awesome week of camp! The theme was “Blast off to a Bright Future!” This year we had 200 campers present and 16 of those teens trusted in Christ as their Savior! Throughout the week, teens were encouraged to make wise choices today so they could have a bright future tomorrow!  Please pray that these young people would remember their decisions and continue to grow in Christ! Another huge blessing during camp were all the adults that volunteered to help. 85 people came from our church to help cook, clean, and serve! Many of these people work and used their vacation time just to be with us! That is a BIG sacrifice and to see them happily volunteer just blessed our hearts. We are so thankful to serve in the Philippines with this great group of people! 


The Leader in Me

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The LeaderSpecial Music in Me…that was the theme of this years Pastors Conference. Of course, this is referring to the LORD Jesus Christ who helps us be the best leaders we can be. It was a great week and we really enjoyed spoiling these filipino pastors! Sometimes when you prepare events for others you don’t realize just how much they will bless you too! I know the Lord used this conference to speak my heart! It was also a blessing to see our church folks unite to help with this conference! They had a wonderful spirit of service as they cooked and served! When the meeting finally came to a close my heart was full! I thank the Lord for His blessings and for allowing us to serve with these people.


Beyond the Cross!

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We pray you aThe Crossll had a blessed Resurrection Sunday…a special time to look beyond the cross and focus on the empty tomb! Praise the Lord, He has conquered death and is risen! This day has come to mean different things for people around the world. Like other cultures, the celebration in Cebu begins earlier in the week but there are some very distinct differences in the way they celebrate. The most unique example being their Black Saturday. Black Saturday is a day of death and superstition. On this day they believe Christ is dead so they keep their children home, afraid that if they are hurt there is no God to heal their wounds. Our busy metropolis becomes quiet and almost completely shuts down. Throughout the week, men beat themselves and are crucified, with hopes that God will forgive their sins. That really is the emphasis of their celebration, death. But as we look at the Bible we see that God emphasized something even more important….Christ’s resurrection. If Christ had died as other men and remained in the tomb, there would be no power in the cross. We would have no promise of heaven, no hope beyond the grave. But because Christ rose, He proved that He truly was the Son of God!  He was more than a mere man, He was God.  That is what makes Him so different from any other man or religion. Our God is alive today, waiting patiently for men to realize this truth. Salvation is offered freely to all who would believe and repent of their sins! We pray you all had a wonderful day as you celebrated the resurrection of our Savior!  

Matthew 28:6 “He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.


A Happy Return

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After Sweet Couplebeing in the States for several months, Pastor and Mrs. Lewis are back! They have taken this precious time from their furlough to be a part of camp. Without them, camp would have been very hard to pull off (ok near impossible! :) ). And….they had a surprise!  Their daughters, Victoria and Alayna came with them!!! We are so happy to have them back for camp and our other summer activities! After camp they will return to the USA for Gideon and Alayna’s graduation. Please continue to pray for summer camp; we are still trying to raise funds to sponsor kids and buy supplies. Please consider investing in the lives of these filipino teens and send your funds to our support address marked Lewis Camp 2015! Thank you!

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