It has been two weeks since the Lewis family lost almost all their earthly possessions to a fire. Because of the extensive damage, even their house was lost…the structure that remains is completely unlivable. When the Lewis’ return to Cebu they will have to make a new start. Unfortunately, there was no insurance on the building or their things so the road ahead will be difficult. We don’t have outlets to buy items second hand so replacing them will be very costly. We also ask you to pray as we face opposition from the landlord. The owner of the house is blaming us for the fire and seeking compensation for the damage. The official fire report identified the fire’s cause as electrical and accidental in nature but this has not satisfied the owners. Please pray that God would give us wisdom to handle the situation and that it would be resolved. It was just a few years ago that the typhoon, Haiyan, came through and ravaged the Philippines. Now, we are facing our own personal storm. The destruction has been great but we know God is in control! If you would like to help please send any donations to Word for the World, marked Lewis Fire Fund. Our support address is:
Word for the World
PO Box 849
Rossville, GA. 30741-0849