Chris & Elizabeth


NCBC’s 11th Anniversary!

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Jr. Church 2North Cebu Baptist Church just celebrated its 11th anniversary! The Lord blessed us with  new visitors, familiar faces, and our faithful crew. There were so many children that we had to teach class at a nearby gym! It was an opportunity that wasn’t wasted, and the seeds of the gospel were planted in both children and adults. Please keep these people in your prayers! Pray that the Lord would open doors and give us more opportunities to reach out.


A New Year of Classes

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The students have returned from summer break and classes are in full swing! We have 12 1st semester 2015 2students this year-our highest turnout to date-and three of those students are in their 4th year. Because it is their final year at LBC, these three amigos are now considered interns and have been given more responsibilities. We have been blessed to watch them learn and grow over these past few years. Now, they will attempt to apply that knowledge in practical ministry work. We are so excited about the future and pray for God’s continued blessings!


Abbie’s Four!

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Sweet SmileOur little girl turned 4 this month! We thank the Lord for this little fireball…she is such a blessing to our hearts. This year, Abigail, asked for a simple birthday gift…pancakes! :) But it didn’t take long for things to change; later in the car and she looked at me and said, “Can I drive?” WOW, that escalated quickly! lol. Let’s wait on that for another 12-13 years! :) These past 4 years have been so much fun. We love our little birthday girl!

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