Chris & Elizabeth


Forever & Always

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6 Years!This week we will celebrate our 6th wedding anniversary! They say time flies when you’re having fun…and time certainly has flown by. The Lord has blessed our marriage with many wonderful memories!  A wise friend once told us, “Marriage is wonderful but it takes work.” And it has proven to be true. Really all the best things in life do.  These past six years have been a wonderful journey, and I am so happy to be married to my best friend.


Exciting News!

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USHere is an excerpt from our latest prayer letter! (Just in case you missed it! :) )We are excited to announce our plans for furlough! We will be arriving in the USA this coming 2016.We plan to be in the States for roughly ten months, visiting supporting churches and sharing our burden with new ministries. If you would like us to come and visit your church, please call us at (716)240-0824 or email us at We have already started to schedule meetings and will continue to make calls as we prepare for furlough. After serving on the field for four years, the time has come for us to return home. It will be a bitter-sweet moment for our family. On one hand we are excited to see friends and loved ones that we left in the US…on the other hand we will miss the ministry that God has called us to. Cebu has become our home and the people here have found a special place in our hearts! Please keep us in prayer as we make final preparations for our return to America.


Dual Citizen


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It’s official! Micah is a dual citizen! Yay! We want to thank everyone who prayed as we processed his paperwork. He also has his American passport now, so he is ready to become a world traveler!  Sometimes I forget that he has never been to the USA because he was born here in Cebu!  He is going to love meeting our families and friends….and seeing snow for the first time!  Thanks again to all those who prayed!

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