Chris & Elizabeth


Home Sweet Home


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IMG_2107We serve an amazing God! All the money that was needed to purchase the house has come in! We want to thank everyone who has helped make this possible! We have watched God do incredible things over the past few months and we feel so blessed! We are overwhelmed by all the love and support we’ve received from churches, friends, and family! Please pray that the paperwork would be processed quickly and that we could move in this coming June. :) Thanks again to everyone who sacrificed to help us. Your prayers and support have made an amazing impact on our ministry!


with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26


Find Love in the Son

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Hearts Day
Today people look for love in all the wrong places.  In a world full of broken hearts and homes, teenagers often seek to fill the void they feel within.  But true love can only be found in one person…the Lord Jesus Christ.
Only Christ can make us feel complete and satisfy our hearts with a love the world cannot give. That was the message at our Teen Hearts Day Banquet. This year we were blessed to have 117 teens in attendance! After the service, one of our faithful teens was able to lead her best friend to Jesus!  Many others also found true love in Christ! We are so thankful to be in the Lord’s service and witness these blessings! Please keep these teens in your prayers as we continue to share God’s message of hope and salvation. 



A Special Day


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Our Landlord“I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will shew forth all thy marvellous works…” Psalm 9:1  We have seen the Lord do amazing things this month! For the past four years, we have been talking to our landlord about Christ. She has been a staunch Catholic all her life; but like so many in Cebu, she is very curious to know what makes a Baptist different from a Catholic. Over the years, we have tried to show her Christ’s words, “I am the way…no man cometh unto the Father BUT BY ME.” & “Not by works of righteousness which we have done…” it is by Christ’s work alone that we can go to heaven someday. To this day she has never visited our church…but this year marks the second time she has attended our Valentine Banquet! It was another opportunity for her to hear the truth from Scripture, another chance to consider Christ. Please keep Lola Aurene in your prayers! Pray that she would search the Scriptures and find salvation in Christ.

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