Chris & Elizabeth


She’s 5!

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Abbie's 5

We celebrated Abigail’s 5th birthday this month! This is going to be an exciting year for our little girl. She will travel to the States, start kindergarten, and experience many new adventures! She is most excited about seeing loved ones and playing in the snow! So much has changed in these last five years. We can hardly believe our little girl is a kindergartener!  Looking back, we are so thankful for these moments we’ve had with our daughter. It’s not something we ever want to take for granted! Thank you, Lord, for this blessing!


LBC 2015-2016

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Gift Program Graduates 2016

It’s that time of year again! Graduation! This year, three students completed the GIFT Program. The word GIFT is an acronym which stands for ‘Grounded in Faith Training’. It’s a course that encourages young people to give one year of their life to ground themselves in Biblical principles. Please keep these students in your prayers! Two of them would like to continue their studies and earn their Pastoral/Christian Service Degree! We thank the Lord for these students and can’t wait to see what God is going to do in their lives!


US Bound!


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Exciting news! We bought our tickets to return to the US! Our departure date is June 28, 2016! Please pray for us as we prepare for furlough and train people to cover our responsibilities here. We plan to be in the States for roughly ten months, visiting supporting churches and sharing our burden with new ministries. If you would like us to visit your church, please call us at (716)240-0824 or email us at

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