Chris & Elizabeth


Back at Camp!

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2016-Teen 2 Week 4-0508Last week, we went with our home church to summer camp! It was wonderful to return to our old stomping grounds and see our friends at Commonground Baptist Camp.  In some ways, things haven’t changed. It’s still a place where teens can hear solid preaching and make monumental decisions for Christ. What has changed is the campers themselves. We don’t know this new group of young people; they were so young when we left 4 years ago. Now, they are the teenagers, the future of our churches! In these last days, we need them more than ever.  Praise the Lord, God is still using camp to reach teens and change lives. Camp meant so much to me as a young man and it is so good to see it help others too! 



In the USA!


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Our Plane 2016Well, after a 48-hour trip we finally made it to Buffalo, New York. The journey was long but the Lord blessed us with safety. It has been a little over a week since we first flew in and the jet lag is finally losing its effect. We had a wonderful time on Sunday with Pastor Kohl and our home church, Faith Bible Baptist. It was an encouragement to see a blend of new and old faces; the church has continued to have an impact on the community! We enjoyed seeing everyone and talking about what God has done in Cebu. We miss the Philippines but we’re looking forward to what God has in store for us this year in the good old USA.


A New Adventure…


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Family Photo June 2016Our family is on the verge of a new adventure! Tonight, we will board a plane to fly to the United States.  We are so excited to see our supporting churches and tell them what God has done over these past four years. But as we pack our suitcases we can’t help but feel some sadness too. Yesterday was our last Sunday at North Cebu Baptist Church until we return to the Philippines in 2017. We said our goodbyes to the people and shed a few tears. I think one of the hardest things a missionary must do is say goodbye. But truly, we are blessed because we have gotten to know so many wonderful people around the globe! So, we look forward this new adventure as we make final preparations for our journey.

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