Chris & Elizabeth


Fun Times

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The Lord has blessed us with some fun times as we travel. Last week, we were at the Friedman Ranch!  Our kids were beyond excited when they saw the horse!  They squealed with delight as they rode the beautiful animal; I even got in on the action! I know what you’re thinking ,”There’s Bro. Chris, horsing around AGAIN!” :) It is a blessing to see our friends care for our kids; Abigail and Micah will have some wonderful memories of the USA and we are so thankful.  


Songs of Praise

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I just want to take a moment to praise the Lord for providing our needs! When we first made plans to return to the States, one of our biggest concerns was a vehicle. Before we even arrived in the USA, God answered our prayers in a miraculous way! Our home church, under the leadership of Pastor Kohl, provided us with a brand new vehicle! We were blown away by God’s goodness and the care of God’s people. We have been so blessed by the support and love of our home church.  In our short lives, we have been privileged to see God do some amazing things and we are so thankful!

Psalm 150:1-2~Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power. Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness.


Graduation Day!


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Our Graduates and College Staff

Sunday was graduation day in the Philippines! Two of our Bible college students graduated with their 4-year degrees! The only thing that could have made this moment sweeter was if we could have been there too. We are so thankful to have had a part in their journey! We enjoyed watching them grow and we are so excited about their future! Congratulations guys! You probably never thought this day would come but you made it! We are so proud of you both!

“Expect great things from God.  Attempt great things for God.” ~ William Carey

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